Use Cases > Use Cases PTV xRoute

Use Cases PTV xRoute

The following use cases describe how to handle the PTV xRoute Server.

How to Use Feature Layer Theme PTV_SpeedPatterns

How to Use Feature Layer Theme PTV_TruckSpeedPatterns

How to Use Feature Layer Theme PTV_PreferredRoutes

How to Use Feature Layer Theme PTV_TimeZones

How to Use Feature Layer Theme PTV_RestrictionZones

How to Use Feature Layer Theme PTV_TrafficIncidents

How to Use Feature Layer Theme PTV_TruckAttributes

How to Use Feature Layer Theme PTV_TruckWaitingTimes

How to Use Feature Layer Theme PTV_GeneralTruckRestrictions

How to Use High-Performance Routing

How to Install Traffic Patterns

How to Install TrafficInfoLoader

How to Use legacy Truck Attributes

How to Calculate Route Information

How to Use Route Calculation

How to Route with Time Restrictions (Trip planning)

How to Search for a Reachable Area or Objects

How to Use Routing Parameters

How to Route Dynamically

How to Calculate Toll

How to Consider Restricted Areas

How to Consider blocked Segments represented by an intersecting Linestring

How to Route with Combined Transport

How to Show Speed Limits

How to Use the Unified Profile Mechanism

How to Route with Emissions

How to Route with Emissions with a comprehensive approach

How to Route with Emissions with a factor-based approach

How to Use BCR Converter

Additional Use Cases