Use Cases > PTV xMap > How to Use Feature Layer Theme PTV_TrafficIncidents

How to Use Feature Layer TrafficIncidents

The Feature Layer PTV_TrafficIncidents enables you to use dynamic traffic information.

This layer provides actual traffic information to consider incidents like traffic jams in the route planning. Up-to-date traffic information is provided as dynamic FeatureLayer and can be downloaded from the Layer Delivery Server with the PTV Content Update Service plugin. To activate this service please contact your PTV sales representative.

Related Topics

The following topics might be relevant for this use case.


Check these terms to ensure you understand the whole use case.

Feature Layer

The Feature Layer (FL) defines the additional data mechanism. The data is partitioned into several themes that characterise different use-cases.

PTV Content Updates Service

The PTV Content Update Service (CUS) enables additional data content to be automatically downloaded and provided. A separate PTV Layer Delivery Server (LDS) provides current data such as toll updates and Traffic Incidents Feature Layer, which is automatically downloaded via the CUS and can be used from a PTV xServer.


PTV xRoute Server

Using FL TrafficIncidents you can get a routing result respecting actual traffic information.

PTV xMap Server

Additionally the user can easily visualise PTV_TrafficIncidents data on the map using PTV xMap server. This visualisation on the map has the following benefits for the customer:


Check if the following prerequisites are fulfilled before you start with the use case.


Feature layers are designed to provide various additional data to the user. The content depends on the feature layer theme and can be configured via XML profile. In the PTV xRoute server, feature layer data can be requested as generic FeatureDescription element for each route segment.

The FL Traffic Incidents is a dynamic Feature Layer which has to be installed via PTV Content Updates Service. Therefore, the PTV xServer has to be able to access the internet.

Installation Guide

Programming Guide

Feature Matrix for Feature Layer Traffic Incidents

Find out which service method of PTV xRoute Server supports the PTV_TrafficIncidents feature layer theme.

service method PTV_TrafficIncidents
calculateRouteInfo x
calculateRoute x
calculateExtendedRoute x
calculateTour -
calculateAdvancedTour -
calculateMatrixInfo x
calculateReachableObjects -
searchForReachableObjects -
calculateIsochrones -


Use a routing request with at least two stations where a traffic jam is in between and enable the use of the feature layer theme PTV_TrafficIncidents by setting the following XML profile snippet in the CallerContext.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
	<Common language="en" majorVersion="1" minorVersion="0"/>
	<Routing majorVersion="2" minorVersion="0">
			<AdditionalDataRules enabled="true"/>
	<FeatureLayer majorVersion="1" minorVersion="0">
		<GlobalSettings enableTimeDependency="true"/>
			<Theme id="PTV_TrafficIncidents" enabled="true">
				<FeatureDescription includeTimeDomain="true" includeLanguageCode="true">
					<Property id="*" included="true"/>
					<Property id="message" included="true"/>


This sample is working with a static Feature Layer Traffic Incidents which is in the standard data of all PTV xServer. It contains Traffic Incidents for Luxembourg on 2014-11-05. This is the reason why this sample is working without configuring the PTV Content update Service.

With the enabled feature layer PTV_TrafficIncidents we get a routing which avoids a traffic jam:


The response contains a FeatureDescription which was requested with the option featureDescriptions of the element ResultListOptions like this one:


The FeatureDescription contains special properties for each FeatureLayer. They are documented within the section Technical Concepts: About Feature Layer.

Visualisation of PTV_TrafficIncidents on the map

This section describes the general flow how to visualise PTV_TrafficIncidents on the map.

Subsequent visualisation examples are just using different Profile XML Snippets - each of them described below - but following the same general Flow


ProfileXMLSnippet: Enabling Feature Layer PTV_TrafficIncidents

<Profile xmlns:xsi=''>
 <FeatureLayer majorVersion='1' minorVersion='0'>
  <!--enable the time dependency because we are using the time dependent PTV_TrafficIncidents theme-->
  <GlobalSettings enableTimeDependency='true'/>
  <!--enable the PTV_TrafficIncidents theme-->
   <Theme id='PTV_TrafficIncidents' enabled='true'/>

Default rendering settings for PTV_TrafficIncidents

The following section shows the default settings of the PTV_TrafficIncidents feature layer in the silkysand rendering style, which is used for the following examples. These settings are displayed and summarised with the associated XML snippets. Please refer to About Feature Layer Rendering for an overview of all rendering possibilities.

<Class name="AbsoluteSpeed-Slow">
  <Condition displayClass="AbsoluteSpeed">
   <Range values="1-35"/>
  <Geometry displayRange="9-14">
   <Stroke color="#FF0000" transparency="20" perpendicularOffset="50%" width="50%">
    <Arrows drawStroke="false" drawFill="false" fillColor="#FFFFFF" strokeColor="#000000"/>
   <RenderLevel renderOffset="+10"/>
  <Geometry displayRange="15-23">
   <Stroke color="#FF0000" transparency="20" perpendicularOffset="50%" width="50%">
    <Arrows drawStroke="false" drawFill="true" fillColor="#FFFFFF" strokeColor="#000000"/>
   <RenderLevel renderOffset="+10"/>

Traffic Incidents, which will considerably reduce the speed, are summarised under AbsoluteSpeed-Slow. On a small scale (DisplayRange=“9-14“), these are shown as red (color=“FF0000“) and displaced (perpendicularOffset=“50%“) lines. On a large scale (DisplayRange=“15-23“), this line is extended with a white arrow in the direction of travel (drawFill=“true“, fillColor=“#FFFFFF“).

<Class name="AbsoluteSpeed-MediumToFast">
  <Condition displayClass="AbsoluteSpeed>
   <Range values="36-200"/>
  <Geometry displayRange="9-14">
   <Stroke color="#FF661a" transparency="50" perpendicularOffset="50%" width="50%">
    <Arrows drawStroke="false" drawFill="false" fillColor="#FFFFFF" strokeColor="#000000"/>
   <RenderLevel renderOffset="+10"/>
  <Geometry displayRange="15-23">
   <Stroke color="#FF661a" transparency="40" perpendicularOffset="50%" width="50%">
    <Arrows drawStroke="false" drawFill="true" fillColor="#FFFFFF" strokeColor="#000000"/>
   <RenderLevel renderOffset="+10"/>

Traffic Incidents with less effects on the speed are summarised in AbsoluteSpeed-MediumToFast. These are distinguished slightly in the representation through orange colouring (color=“#FF661A“).

Because traffic information are categorised it's necessary to define the category number within the regarding class. Here you can find a complete list of the categories and the regarding icons:
Classes of Traffic Incidents and Truck Attributes.

The representation of icons can be configured with the Style tag of a class. A DisplayRange is specified for each icon, i.e. a range of the zoom level at which the icon should be displayed. By default, three icons are specified in different sizes depending on the DisplayRange. The placing of an icon always relates to a reference point given by the provider at the start of the traffic information (e.g. start of congestion). Please go to About Feature Layer Rendering for further information.


<Class name="BlockedRoad">
  <Condition displayClass="IncidentCategory">
   <Range values="51"/>
  <Geometry displayRange="9-23">
   <Stroke color="#606060" transparency="20" perpendicularOffset="0" width="90%"/>
   <RenderLevel renderOffset="+10"/>
  <Icon displayRange="9-16" url="./22x22/traffic/blocked_road.bmp"/>
  <Icon displayRange="17-19" url="./24x24/traffic/blocked_road.bmp"/>
  <Icon displayRange="20-23" url="./32x32/traffic/blocked_road.bmp"/>

All segments of the BlockedRoad class within the DisplayRange 9-23 are shown as a grey line (color="606060").

Be aware that a changed zoom level at DisplayRange can cause loss of performance!

Below you can find a JSON sample request which can be directly copied and put into the raw request runner of a PTV xMap Server to be tested.


Here you can see two images which illustrate the representation of traffic incidents at different zoom levels.

"scale": 1000 "scale": 150

Drawing, Grouping and Hiding PTV_TrafficIncidents Icons

As described above every traffic incident type is assigned to an icon that PTV xMap Server will draw within the specified display range. For an optimum use of drawing space and a self-explanatory meaning the icons are drawn following several rules:

Several attributes grouped together

Visualisation of PTV_TrafficIncidents on the map with changed Style of a given style class

This section describes the visualisation of PTV_TrafficIncidents using a modified Style. The Style is changed in the request by using a changed Profile XML snippet. For more general information on the possibilities for defining Styles, please look at About Feature Layer Rendering.

Below you can find a modified version of the XML snippet which causes the following change:

<Class name="BlockedRoad">
  <Condition displayClass="IncidentCategory">
   <Range values="51"/>
  <Geometry displayRange="9-23">
   <--! Only change the colour, let the other stroke attributes unchanged -->
   <Stroke color="#000000" transparency="20" perpendicularOffset="0" width="90%"/>
   <RenderLevel renderOffset="+10"/>
  <Icon displayRange="9-16" url="./22x22/traffic/blocked_road.bmp"/>
  <Icon displayRange="17-19" url="./24x24/traffic/blocked_road.bmp"/>
  <Icon displayRange="20-23" url="./32x32/traffic/blocked_road.bmp"/>

As in the example above the JSON sample request below can be directly copied and put into the raw request runner of a PTV xMap server to be tested.


Here can you see the resulting image: