Use Cases > PTV xMap > How to Use Feature Layer Theme PTV_RestrictionZones

How to Use Feature Layer PTV_RestrictionZones

The Feature Layer PTV_RestrictionZones enables you to use information about restriction zones.

This layer provides Restricted transit areas for example truck transit zones. This Feature Layer contains restricted transit areas what means areas, which have special restrictions. These restricted areas may be used by certain vehicle types, but only as start or destination otherwise they must not be passed through.

As part of the EU regulations on limits for air pollutants, various regions and cities with high particulate air pollution installed so-called clean air and action plans, which includes environmental zones or drive-through zones prohibiting the transit of specific types of vehicles for example trucks larger than 7.5 t.


FreeForDelivery zone

Delivery vehicle

Zone navigability



only in waypoints zones










Related Topics

The following topics might be relevant for this use case.


Check these terms to ensure you understand the whole use case.

Feature Layer

The Feature Layer defines the additional data mechanism. The data is partitioned into several themes that characterise different use-cases.


PTV xRoute Server

Using PTV_RestrictionZones you can ...

PTV xMap Server

Additionally the user can easily visualise PTV_RestrictionZones data on the map using PTV xMap Server. This visualisation on the map has the following benefits for the customer:


Check if the following prerequisites are fulfilled before you start with the use case.

Feature Matrix for Feature Layer Restriction Zones

Find out which service method of PTV xRoute Server supports the PTV_RestrictionZones feature layer theme.

service method PTV_RestrictionZones
calculateRouteInfo x
calculateRoute x
calculateExtendedRoute x
calculateTour x
calculateAdvancedTour x
calculateMatrixInfo x
calculateReachableObjects x
searchForReachableObjects x
calculateIsochrones x


Feature layers are designed to provide various additional data to the user. The content depends on the feature layer theme and can be configured via XML profile. In the PTV xRoute server, feature layer data can be requested as generic FeatureDescription element for each route segment.

Installation Guide

Programming Guide

Use a routing request with at least two stations defining a total permitted weight of a heavy truck and enable the use of the feature layer theme PTV_RestrictionZones by setting the following XML profile snippet in the CallerContext.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<Profile xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://localhost:50030/xroute/schema/XRouteProfile.xsd">
    <FeatureLayer majorVersion="1" minorVersion="0">
            <Theme id="PTV_RestrictionZones" enabled="true"/>
    <Routing majorVersion="2" minorVersion="0">
            <AdditionalDataRules enabled="true"/>
                <Weight totalPermittedWeight="13000"/>


With the PTV_RestrictionZones feature layer there will be a routing result avoiding restricted zones:

Without the PTV_RestrictionZones feature layer or with a truck with a weight of 12000 kg or below the restricted zones will be passed through:

Visualisation of PTV_RestrictionZones on the map

This section describes the general flow how to visualise PTV_RestrictionZones on the map.

Subsequent visualisation examples are just using different ProfileXMLSnippets - each of them described below - but following the same general Flow

ProfileXMLSnippet: Enabling FeatureLayer PTV_RestrictionZones
<Profile xmlns:xsi="">
 <FeatureLayer majorVersion="1" minorVersion="0">
  <GlobalSettings enableTimeDependency="true"/>
  <!-- enable the PTV_RestrictionZones theme -->
   <Theme id="PTV_RestrictionZones" enabled="true"/>

Default rendering settings for PTV_RestrictionZones

The following section shows the default rendering settings of the PTV_RestrictionZones feature layer. These settings are displayed and summarised with the associated XML snippets. Please refer to About Feature Layer Rendering for an overview of all rendering possibilities.

<Class name="TruckTransitZones">
  <Condition displayClass="RestrictionZone">
   <Range values="0-200"/>
  <Geometry displayRange="9-14">
   <Stroke color="#704A4B" transparency="50" perpendicularOffset="0%" width="180%"/>
   <RenderLevel renderOffset="+10"/>
  <Geometry displayRange="15-23">
   <Stroke color="#704A4B" transparency="80" perpendicularOffset="0%" width="200%"/>
   <RenderLevel renderOffset="+10"/>

The representation of the PTV_RestrictionZones is different depending on the zoom level the map is shown. On a smaller scale (DisplayRange="9-14"), restriction zones are displayed as grey lines (color=“#704A4B") with transparency (transparency="50%") and wider than the actual road (width="180%"). On a larger scale(DisplayRange="15-23") the values for transparency and width change slightly.

Be aware that a changed zoom level at DisplayRange can cause loss of performance!

Below you can find a JSON sample request which can be directly copied and put into the raw request runner of a PTV xMap Server to be tested.