Use Cases > PTV xRoute > How to Route with Time Restrictions (Trip planning)

How to Route with Time Restrictions (Trip Planning)

The method calculateTour() allows driver hours rules and other time frames to be specified which will be taken into account for trip planning. The server includes a native file, the so called "native-timecalc.xml" which contains the following attributes:

The tour point descriptions extend the route waypoint array. The following time-dependent parameters can be defined to enhance the time frames:

The time events are part of the tour output. As a tour summary, the following parameters will be returned as a result list (see API for detailed documentation):

The complete European rules for driving times and rest periods as well as the German regulations concerning working time are integrated, e. g. weekly rest periods can be considered when planning trips.

Combine Route Manoeuvres with Time Events

Based on the calculation of trips with rest and break rules, it is possible to combine manoeuvres with time events. This is useful if you want to combine the itinerary results with tour data like required breaks, rests or the arrival at a specific tour point.