Use Cases > PTV xRoute > How to Consider Restricted Areas

How to Consider Restricted Areas

Restricted areas are zones where specific vehicle types are not allowed to drive (blocked segments).

Environmental Zones

Environmental zones are relevant for Germany and the Netherlands. PTV’s zones are divided into 4 classes: none, green, yellow and red. Regarding the selected level and the environmental zone which should be used, passage is allowed or forbidden. The current state of environmental zones is as follows (12.01.2012):

In the following example, Karlsruhe City became a yellow zone.

On the left side, vehicle with green sticker, on the right side with a red one

Isolated Areas

Until now, areas that were completely blocked by truck restrictions were not accessible with a route. The PTV xRoute Server gave out an error message (linking error). Now the PTV xRoute Server suggests the best possible way and a warning appears in the itinerary when entering the blocked road segment.