Use Cases > PTV xRoute > How to Route with Emissions

How to calculate emissions for a routing

PTV provides the possibility to calculate emission values for routings taking vehicles and route into account. Different approaches according to various international standards are available for the calculation. These standards provide region specific factors for the determination of the emission. Currently, PTV xServer offers emission calculation basing on the following standards:


Obtain the levels of emissions according to the various approaches and profit from the advantages:


Check if the following prerequisites are fulfilled in order to use HBEFA (version 2.1 and higher) or COPERT Australia 1.2. The usage of the other standards does not require additional license keys or data.

Please contact your dedicated sales partner at PTV to obtain the necessary HBEFA or COPERT data and license key.


For calculating emissions two main influencing factors are important:

These factors can be different from area to area; country to country or continent to continent. Therefore, area-specific data standards have been developed by various institutes and governments to provide the most suitable factor set. A lot of them are supported by PTV xRoute as shown in the introduction of this use case documentation. The data standards vary a lot, support different vehicle types, contain more or less factors and offer different result sets. If you want to meet national requirements you have to chose a suitable data standard.

As described above, vehicle- and route-specifics are needed for emission calculation. One important vehicle factor is the fuel consumption. It is treated different in different data standards. This is shown later. All other specifics are reflected in factors provided by the data standard.

In simple terms, emissions are calculated by multiplying fuel consumption values with emission factors. Depending on the chosen emission data standard for determining the emissions, consumption and factors are both included in the data or are provided separately. Two basic approaches are distinguished according to this difference:

The Comprehensive Approach includes both, consumption default values and emission factors. Additionally, it also takes height data into account. HBEFA and COPERT Australia are standards of the comprehensive approach.

The Factor-based Approach provides emission factors. Consumption values are chosen by the user and can be based on own average fuel consumptions or different recommended consumption default values provided in this PTV xServer manual. Australia NGA 2011/2015, CEN 2011/2012, CO2 Decree France 2011, CO2e Decree France 2017 and UK DEFRA 2014 are standards of the factor-based approach.

Overview of Emission Calculation Approaches

The table shows details of the various standards. It gives information of the specific consumption values and factors which are part of the standard or are recommended for it. Besides, the relevance is shown for each standard giving information for which countries the standard is published. Information about the required PTV license keys, data and PTV xServer version can also be found in this table:

Standard Approach Consumption Factor Relevance PTV Licensing Data Source PTV xServer
Australia NGA 2015 Factor-based Own consumption values Australia NGA factors Australia No specific license key required No specific data required since PTV xRoute 1.20.2
Australia NGA 2011 Factor-based Own consumption values Australia NGA factors Australia No specific license key required No specific data required since PTV xRoute 1.16.0
CEN 2011/2012 Factor-based Own consumption values CEN 2011 or CEN 2012 Europe (without UK) No specific license key required No specific data required since < PTV xRoute 1.16.0
CO2 Decree France 2011 (deprecated) Factor-based Own consumption values, default values provided in the manual CO2 Decree France 2011 France and Europe if start or destination is in France No specific license key required No specific data required since PTV xRoute 1.16.0
CO2e Decree France 2017 Factor-based Own consumption values, default values provided in the manual CO2e Decree France 2017 France and Europe if start or destination is in France No specific license key required No specific data required since PTV xRoute
COPERT Australia 1.2 Comprehensive COPERT default values included in the calculation COPERT factors Australia License key required: COPERTAUS12 COPERT data and height data required since PTV xRoute 1.20.1
HBEFA 3.2 Comprehensive HBEFA default values included in the calculation HBEFA factors Europe (without UK) License key required: 32 -for HBEFA 3.2 HBEFA data and height data required since PTV xRoute 1.20.0
UK DEFRA 2014 Factor-based Own consumption values, default values provided in the manual DEFRA factors UK No specific license key required No specific data required since PTV xRoute 1.20.1

The calculation of emissions depends on the above mentioned standards and the combination of vehicle parameters described as follows. The parameter "average fuel consumption" serves as input for company specific consumption values and needs to be set if factor-based standards are used. Incorrect combinations of vehicle parameters might lead to falsified results, or various exceptions could be thrown. PTV recommends validating the API (especially the class description about vehicle parameters) before setting the specific characteristics.

Attribute Description
Vehicle type Legal values are car, van respectively mini van, truck respectively truck with trailer, combustible or water hazardous truck and motorbike.
Total weight The total permitted weight of the vehicle in [kg] including the trailer's weight.
Trailer weight The total permitted weight of the trailer in [kg].
Empty weight The empty weight of the vehicle and trailer including driver and half-full fuel tank in [kg].
Load weight The weight of the vehicle's load (including trailer) in [kg].
Emission class The emission class of this vehicle. Legal values are I-VI.
Cylinder Capacity The cylinder capacity of this vehicle in [ccm].
Fuel type Legal values are Diesel, Euro Super, compressed natural gas, liquefied petroleum gas and E85.
Emission technology The technology type of emission reduction for trucks such as exhaust gas recirculation or selective catalytic reduction.
Average fuel consumption The average fuel consumption of the current vehicle in [l/100km] for liquid fuel types or [kg/100km] for gaseous fuel types like compressed natural gas
Bio fuel ration The ratio of bio fuel compared to conventional fuel in [%].
Year of manufacture Specifies the vehicle's year of manufacture.

Further Information

The following use cases demonstrate the emission calculation with either the comprehensive or factor-based approach: