Use Cases > PTV xRoute > How to Install Traffic Patterns

How to Install Traffic Patterns

Traffic patterns represent traffic flows. These are modelled to individual segments with the help of speed data. A change in travel time or route results from lower speeds on road sections with heavy traffic. They are not mentioned in traffic reports about congestions or construction works because they are purely statistical patterns of traffic flow. The following graph shows the speed on a certain segment throughout a day.

For a more detailed description, use the Traffic Patterns manual in the Customer Area (access rights and login obligatory), which is added into the document tree: Traffic Information.

Traffic Patterns

The following figure shows a typical daily situation in rush hour. The y-axis represents the velocities and the x-axis the time intervals starting at 0:00 am and ending at 11:30 pm. The volume of traffic rises between 7:00 and 8:00 am and around 4:00 pm.

Data format

The files are named according to the actual processed data. It isn't permitted to change the file names.

Depending on the selection of vehicle types, different dynamic speed tables are configured by default. The following figure shows the pre-defined functions to adapt the default speed pattern to each vehicle type.

Installation and Configuration

Following steps are to be carried out to perform dynamic routing with traffic patterns:

If dynamic routing is activated, the itinerary (route segment sequence in routing results) refers to the dynamic route. If it is not activated, it refers to the statistical route. The itinerary that refers to the statistical route does not account for dynamic routing.

For detailed information related to the deployment scenarios please contact PTV xServer support.