Use Cases > PTV xRoute > How to Route with Emissions with a comprehensive approach

How to calculate emissions for a routing with a comprehensive approach

Comprehensive emission calculation approaches contain default values for fuel consumption and factors for calculation. As user no own consumption data has to be added. PTV xRoute offers two comprehensive approaches: HBEFA 3.2 and COPERT Australia 1.2. In this use case description you see how both standards are designed and how you can use them for calculating your emissions with PTV xRoute. A general overview of emission calculation with PTV xServer can be found here: How to calculate emissions for a routing. Emission calculation with factor-based approaches is described here: How to calculate emissions with factor-based approaches.


Using the current HBEFA 3.2, the entire bundle of emissions will be provided for each vehicle type. The following list indicates the resulting attributes: Hydrocarbons, hydrocarbons except for methane, methane, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, carbon dioxide from fossil sources, sulphur dioxide, nitrous oxide, nitrogen oxides, nitrogen dioxide, ammonia, benzene, lead, particles, particle number and fuel.


COPERT Australia emission calculation reports values for CO2 and fuel consumption. It is explicitly designed for Australian fleets:

Concept HBEFA

Emission Calculation According to HBEFA

The Handbook of Emission Factors for Road Transport (HBEFA) was originally developed on behalf of the Environmental Protection Agencies of Germany, Switzerland and Austria. In the meantime, further countries (Sweden, Norway and France) as well as the JRC (European Research Center of the European Commission) are supporting HBEFA. HBEFA provides emission factors, i.e. the specific emission in g/km for all current vehicle categories (PC, LCV, HCV, buses and motorcycles), each divided into different categories, for a wide variety of traffic situations. The first version (HBEFA 1.1) was published in December 1995, an update (HBEFA 1.2) followed in January 1999. Version HBEFA 2.1 was available in February 2004. The newest versions date from January 2010 (HBEFA 3.1) and July 2014 (HBEFA 3.2).

HBEFA 3.X calculation reports values for all global warming gases and other harmful substances. The internal process is independently certificated and therefore is independent of any external organizations.


You want to route from Rome to Napoli with five intermediate stops as shown in the map below and you want to calculate the emission values according to HBEFA:

Route on the map
For all seven stops you get the calculated emission values. As shown in the table below, on the first station there was no emission caused as it is the starting point. For all other stops you get the amounts of the different greenhouse gases:
Aggregated levels of emissions per station according to the given stops.
It is also possible to calculate the emission values per network class, as shown in the table:
Total levels of emissions per network class.

Influencing Factors for Calculation

The following data properties were mapped from HBEFA to PTV's routing engine:

Supported emission classes

HBEFA Version Norm Release notes and changes
2.1 EURO 0, EURO 1, EURO 2, EURO 3, EURO 4, EURO 5 New features and improvements:
  1. New emission factors on basis of current measurements from EURO 0 until EURO 2 (truck) and EURO 3 (car).
  2. Entirely revised emission measurements for motorbikes and busses.
  3. New specification of N2O and NH3 in dependency of the street categories motorways, urban and rural areas.
  4. Update of fuel consumptions on basis of emission measurements and CO2 emissions of newly registered vehicles.
3.1 EURO 0, EURO 1, EURO 2, EURO 3, EURO 4, EURO 5, EURO 6

Improvements in comparison to 2.1:

  1. Measurements up to EURO 4 for passenger cars and outlook for EURO 5 and 6 based on some few tested cars.
  2. Measurements up to EURO 5 for HDV and LCV.
  3. New traffic situations with different driving cycles compared to previous version.
  4. A new method to calculate emission factors for passenger cars and LCV and an extended methodology to calculate emission factors for HDV equipped with SCR systems.
  5. Emission factors for NO2 and PN are also provided by now.
  6. Take height information into account.
3.2 EURO 0, EURO 1, EURO 2, EURO 3, EURO 4, EURO 5, EURO 6, EURO 6c

EURO 0 to EURO 4:

  1. The vehicle data files have not been changed against HBEFA 3.1, since no need for any adaptation was found.

EURO 5 , EURO 6 and EURO 6c vehicles:

  1. Emission factors have been calculated for the full set of HBEFA driving cycles in combination with all road gradients including the PHEM parameterisation for emission behaviour.
  2. The model PHEM was updated to handle EURO 6 vehicle technology.
  3. Emission factors have been calculated for the following quantities: Fuel consumption, emissions of CO2, NOx, NO2, HC, CO, particle mass (PM) and particle number (PN).

Considerable differences might occur in comparison of version 3.1 and 3.2 especially considering EURO 5 and 6 due to the updated emission measurements.

Supported vehicle types



Only EURO_0-EURO_4 are supported for the fuel types EUROSUPER and DIESEL.

The CYLINDER_CAPACITY is considered.


Only EURO_0-EURO_4 are supported for the fuel types EUROSUPER and DIESEL.

The CYLINDER_CAPACITY is not considered.


Only EURO_1-EURO_5 are supported for the fuel type DIESEL.

The CYLINDER_CAPACITY is not considered.

The TOTAL_WEIGHT is considered.

PED/BIK/MOT Emission calculation is not supported



EURO_0 is not supported.

EURO_1 is only supported for the fuel types EUROSUPER and DIESEL.


From EURO_4 on all fuel types are supported.

The cylinder capacity is considered.


EURO_0 is not supported.

The emission technology is not considered.

From EURO_1 on only DIESEL is supported.

The cylinder capacity is not considered.


EURO_0 is not supported.

From EURO_1 on only DIESEL is supported.

The cylinder capacity is not considered.

The emission technology is needed for EURO_4 and EURO_5, in all other cases the emission technology is not considered.

PED/BIK/MOT Emission calculation is not supported.



EURO_0 is not supported.

EURO_1 is only supported for the fuel types EUROSUPER and DIESEL.


From EURO_3 on all fuel types are supported.

The cylinder capacity is considered.


EURO_0 is not supported

the emission technology is not considered

from EURO_1 on only DIESEL is supported

the cylinder capacity is not considered


EURO_0 is not supported.

From EURO_1 on only DIESEL is supported.

The cylinder capacity is not considered.

The emission technology is needed for EURO_4 and EURO_5, in all other cases the emission technology is not considered.

EURO_6C is not supported.

PED/BIK/MOT Emission calculation is not supported.

Installation and Configuration Guide HBEFA

Install HBEFA 3 data

This installation is optional according to your licence agreement (additional licence fee is required). The data package HBEFA 3.2 (or 3.1) needs to be separately installed. Please contact your PTV representative to obtain the data. Following steps should be carried out:

  1. Order the data at PTV
  2. Unzip and copy the content of the emissions data in your default map folder (see maps.path=<your map path> configured in the "conf/" file) taking following steps into account:
    1. Both files are copied into the map directory: global_d.hb32 (or .hb31) and heights.bin
    2. eur folder containing the country specific data for aut_d, che_d, deu_d, fra_d, nor_d and swe_d.

It is also possible to install both data packages "HBEFA 3.1" and "HBEFA 3.2" together but we recommend using the current version achieving the precise levels of emissions.

Configure emission calculation according to HBEFA.

Emission calculation according to HBEFA is configured in conf/

Caution: A valid licence key must be configured: xroute.emissions=32 (or xroute.emissions=31) otherwise an exception will be thrown.

Programming Guide HBEFA

Emission calculation is available for the PTV xRoute methods calculateExtendedRoute and calculateAdvancedTour. This sample uses the method calculateExtendedRoute to illustrate the workflow.

Emission calculation according to HBEFA


Use a request with at least two stations:

  "waypoints": [
      "coords": [
          "point": {
            "x": 685903,
            "y": 6372958
      "linkType": "NEXT_SEGMENT"
      "coords": [
          "point": {
            "x": 681013,
            "y": 6371680
      "linkType": "NEXT_SEGMENT"

Set the hbefaType attribute in the ResultListOptions element according to the HBEFAVersion you have configured:

"details": {
  "hbefaType": {
    "$type": "HBEFAType",
    "version": "HBEFA_3_2"

Set the granularity of the emission information returned in the response with the emissions element in the ResultListOptions . Possible levels are: BASIC , if you only need the total emissions of the route, STATIONS , if you want to obtain the emission per part of the route, or SEGMENTS , if you additionally want to obtain the emissions per segment.

"details": {
  "emissions": {
    "$type": "EmissionType",
    "emissionLevel": "BASIC"

Depending on the configuration of the EmissionType in the request, the total emissions can be found in the emissions element at the route, stations, or segments. The units of each emission value vary according to the specification.

"route": {
  "info": {
    "distance": 4129,
    "time": 457,
    "cost": 5367
  "emissions": {
    "$type": "EmissionsHBEFA32",
    "hydrocarbons": 0.042084042872999994,
    "methane": 0.003535058461000001,
    "hydrocarbonsExMethane": 0.03854898441200001,
    "carbonMonoxide": 2.091023040688,
    "carbonDioxide": 0.7847751744067001,
    "sulphurDioxide": 0.034604260911999994,
    "nitrogenOxides": 0.15486596991300003,
    "nitrousOxide": 0.013420440881999998,
    "ammonia": 0.08385116139900001,
    "benzene": 0.005441465834,
    "toluene": 0.0039138162859999985,
    "xylene": 0.0032404725,
    "lead": 0,
    "particles": 0,
    "fuel": 0.24717327679788

The listed attributes and values depend on the selected HBEFA type. For detailed information see the documentation of Emissions , EmissionsHBEFA31 , or EmissionsHBEFA32 .

Concept COPERT Australia

Emission Calculation According to COPERT Australia

The COmputer Program to calculate Emissions from Road Transport (COPERT) was originally developed by EMISIA and the European Environment Agency as road transport emission inventory preparation for European countries. COPERT Australia was adapted to the Australian driving conditions, vehicle types and fuel types by EMISIA and DSITIA. The COPERT Australia emission calculation reports values for CO2 and fuel consumption.

Supported vehicle types


emission calculation is not supported.


supported fuel types are DIESEL and LIQUEFIED_PETROLEUM_GAS.

EURO_0 is not supported.

the emission technology for exhaust gas recirculation(EGR) is needed for EURO_5, EURO_6, EURO_6c and EURO_7.

the cylinder capacity is not considered.

Emission class mapping

Comparable to the European emission standards there are Australian Design Rules(ADR). The European classifications are mapped internally to ADRs as follows:

ADR30 Euro 1
ADR70-00 Euro 2
ADR80-00 Euro 3
ADR80-02 Euro 4
ADR80-03 with exhaust gas recirculation Euro 5
ADR80-04 with exhaust gas recirculation Euro 6
ADR80-05 with exhaust gas recirculation Euro 7

Installation and Configuration Guide COPERT Australia

Install COPERT Australia data

This installation is optional according to your licence agreement (additional licence fee is required). The data package COPERT Australia needs to be separately installed. Please contact your PTV representative to obtain the data. Following steps should be carried out:

  1. Order the data at PTV
  2. Unzip and copy the content of the emissions data in your default map folder (see maps.path=<your map path> configured in the "conf/" file):
Configure emission calculation according to COPERT Australia.

Emission calculation according to COPERT Australia is configured in conf/

Caution: A valid licence key must configured: xroute.emissions=COPERTAUS12 otherwise an exception will be thrown.

Programming Guide COPERT Australia

Emission calculation is available for the PTV xRoute methods calculateExtendedRoute and calculateAdvancedTour. This sample uses the method calculateExtendedRoute to illustrate the workflow.

Emission calculation according to COPERT Australia


Use a request with at least two stations:

    "waypoints": [
        "coords": [
            "point": {
                "x": 685903,
                "y": 6372958
        "linkType": "NEXT_SEGMENT"
        "coords": [
            "point": {
                "x": 681013,
                "y": 6371680
        "linkType": "NEXT_SEGMENT"

Set the hbefaType attribute in the ResultListOptions element to COPERT_AUS_1_2:

"details": {
    "hbefaType": {
        "$type": "HBEFAType",
        "version": "COPERT_AUS_1_2"

Set the granularity of the emission information returned in the response with the emissions element in the ResultListOptions. Possible levels are: BASIC, if you only need the total emissions of the route, STATIONS, if you want to obtain the emission per part of the route, or SEGMENTS, if you additionally want to obtain the emissions per segment.

    "emissions": {
        "$type": "EmissionType",
        "emissionLevel": "BASIC"

Depending on the configuration of the EmissionType in the request, the total emissions can be found in the emissions element at the route, stations, or segments.

"route": {
    "info": {
        "distance": 4129,
        "time": 457,
        "cost": 5367
    "emissions": {
        "$type": "Emissions",
        "hydrocarbons": 0,
        "methane": 0,
        "hydrocarbonsExMethane": 0,
        "carbonMonoxide": 0,
        "carbonDioxide": 0.945174406700143,
        "sulphurDioxide": 0,
        "nitrogenOxides": 0,
        "nitrousOxide": 0,
        "ammonia": 0,
        "benzene": 0,
        "toluene": 0,
        "xylene": 0,
        "lead": 0,
        "particles": 0,
        "fuel": 0.345679788