Developer's Guide > Build your own programming environment

Programming Environment

PTV xServer are easily obtainable into programming environments which are able to support web services. In this section, the clients are considered in order to create various (web) applications respectively web services according to your requirements in the context of track and tracing, routing and tour planning. PTV has built clients for the most important programming languages for each upcoming version which are going to be explained in the following table.

Type Description
PTV Bundled Clients PTV provides Java and dotNet clients which are part of the PTV xServer installation. Find out more about the various handling.
Generating Clients Using web services, the powerful programming environments such as Eclipse or VB.NET provide libraries or plug-ins in order to generate clients via WSDL. Visit this section to be informed about the diverse possibilities.
Using PTV xServer with .NET Walk through the steps in order to add a new project in Visual Studio creating an application with PTV xServer. Visual C# is a programming language designed for creating a variety of applications that run on the .NET Framework. This enables you to create Windows, web and mobile applications using PTV's developer components as backend services. Please take care of the Microsoft Developer Services Agreement.
Using PTV xServer with Java Get ready in 7 steps. Follow the instruction to build your programming environment with Eclipse, the open source software for Java applications. Creating Eclipse projects please take the Eclipse Public Licence (EPL) into account.
Using PTV xServer with Java Script Use PTV's Code Sample Browser which supports the full range of functionalities of the PTV xServer. The integrated code editor allows you to modify the code samples and illustrates how to integrate the sources.