Defines the behavior of linking a waypoint to the routing network. For example, finding the road segment with the smallest euclidean distance to the waypoint.
Defines the behavior of the link type used for linking. Please note that these settings do not select the link type (see attribute linkType in element Waypoint). Please note also that the selected link type can be overridden in the request whereas the following settings are not overridden there. The settings here are regarded as defaults for different link types.
The heading tolerance angle [°]. The heading can be optionally set in the request. With a tolerance of 180 or greater the heading will not be checked. This parameter is only relevant if the heading is set in the request.
The maximum distance in [m] to search for a road segment of network class 0 (freeway) to link to. The value is only used if the attribute @minimumNetworkClass is set to 0. Usually, a route does not start or end on a freeway, but if this is to be allowed, choose a proper value here.
Link only to roads with network class greater than or equal to this network class. Usually, a route does not start or end on a freeway. Choose a value > 0 to avoid linking to freeway segments.
If true, the attribute @maximumDistanceToMainNodeForNetworkclass0 is only used for via waypoints. Otherwise it is used for start and destination waypoints, too.
The maximum distance in [m] to search for a road segment to link to in the context of the link type ROAD_NAME. See documentation for link type ROAD_NAME.
The aggressiveness of the A* algorithm (only if an A* routing algorithm is used). The calculated A* bound, based on the linear distance to the destination, is multiplied by the aggressiveness. With aggressiveness larger than 1 the A* algorithm cannot guarantee optimal solutions anymore, but has better performance.
The routing algorithm. Depending on other parameters the routing mode may be automatically adjusted to another mode (for example, it is not possible to use a bidirectional routing algorithm with time-dependent routing costs.)
The fast turning ban heuristic is used by default. This heuristic can cause in rare cases suboptimal routes because then driving in both directions of roads is not always considered by the algorithm. Switching off the heuristic by setting this attribute to false yields better routes but can increase the runtime of the routing algorithm.
Defines the leveling heuristic for the routing algorithm. For each network class the search space can be restricted to bounding boxes around the waypoints given in the route request. The size of these boxes is defined in this element: each box contains initially the waypoint and is extended by the given search space size in each direction. -1 means that the search space for the corresponding network class is not restricted. Default value: -1,-1,-1,-1,20,10,10,10.
The list of countries that are allowed to be used. The countries are identified by their country code. If this list is empty, all available countries are used.
The weight factor for route travel time (in [%]). The length enters the basic cost term with a weight of 100 - distanceTimeWeighting. Hence, with a value of 100, only travel time is optimized, while with a value of 0 only the length of the route is optimized.
Defines if a shortest route should be enforced. Its effect is that all segment-specific bonus and malus values are set to zero and the search space is extended indefinitely. If this parameter is set to true, the setting of BonusMalus and of LevellingScopeByNetworkClass has no effect.
The total cost for banned turns that have the attribute free for authorized vehicles. Only relevant if the legal condition isAuthorized is enabled in the vehicle parameters.
The bonus/malus for segments with the free for delivery flag. This malus is only used for segments that are blocked in both directions. In this case, a non-blocking value opens the segment and applies the malus value. Only relevant if the legal condition isDelivery is enabled in the vehicle parameters.
The total cost for banned turns that have the free for emergency attribute. Only relevant if the legal condition isEmergency is enabled in the vehicle parameters.
The bonus/malus for segments with the free for project flag. This malus is only used for segments that are blocked in both directions. In this case, a non-blocking value opens the segment and applies the malus value. Only relevant if the legal condition isProject is enabled in the vehicle parameters.
The bonus/malus for segments with the blocked for project flag. This malus is only used for segments that are not blocked in both directions. In this case, the bonus/malus value is applied. Only relevant if the legal condition isProject is enabled in the vehicle parameters.
The total cost for banned turns that have the free for project attribute. Only relevant if the legal condition isProject is enabled in the vehicle parameters.
Defines the general malus value for each network class. This is useful in order to force the routing algorithm to favor freeways over smaller roads. Default value: 0,0,0,10,20,50,100,100.
The bonus/malus for each segment for which the current transport system has to pay ordinary toll. This malus may be overwritten by the malus for named toll if set by NamedTollMalus.
The country code of the country for the bonus/malus on segments with named toll. Note that for big countries that are split into several integration units only the integration unit codes can be used here, not the code of the whole country.
The bonus/malus for urban segments. A segment is treated as "urban" if the corresponding segment attribute is set and the network class is larger than or equal to minimumUrbanNetworkClass.
Defines the parameters for additional segment properties that are stored in additional data files (e.g. truck attributes) or a database created by the so-called road editor. The consideration of these segment properties can be switched on and off here. Please note that these parameters do not define the segment properties themselves but instead their consideration during route calculation. Please note that all subordinate parameters are valid only if the 'enabled' attribute is true.
Defines the consideration of basic segment-specific properties. The values of these properties are contained in the data; only their consideration is configured here.
Defines the consideration of segment properties which depend on certain vehicle properties such as blockings for high or heavy vehicles (truck attributes). The values of these segment properties (i.e. the actual limits) are contained in the data. The following vehicle properties should be stated and will affect the course of the route: load type, empty weight, load weight, height, width, length, axle load, trailer empty weight, hazardous goods type, tunnel restriction code, legal condition. For some of the segment properties a bonus/malus can be configured. Please note that all subordinate parameters are valid only if the 'enabled' attribute is true.
Enables the consideration of additional segment properties which depend on certain vehicle properties. Please note that all subordinate parameters are valid only if the 'enabled' attribute is true.
Maximum period in [s] between calculated and real breaks. A smaller value increases the precision of the calculated breaks but decreases the performance of the route calculation. This is a project specific parameter which defines the precision of dynamic time functions used for a subsequent break and rest calculation. It only applies if dynamicTimeOnStaticRoute is enabled.
Calculate the route without considering dynamic data, but calculate the travel time considering it. To use this useLegacyDynamic or FeatureLayer time dependency must be enabled.
Defines the speed mapping, which provides interpolation points for a mapping from dynamic speed to actual vehicle-dependent speed. The default mapping uses the dynamic speeds.
The time step between two requests for commuter calculations. This parameter is important when the same routing request has to be executed over multiply equidistant departure times, e.g at 9 am, 10 am, 11 am ...
Defines the parameter that control whether the route restrictions could be broken (violated) during the route calculation. These parameter are important to have allways a possibility to find a route between two points, even if the resulting route is invalid for a given vehicle, e.g if the vehicle weight exceeds an maximum allowed weight of a route segment.
To avoid the formation of isolated areas, all segment blockings that are created by additional segment rules are transformed into a high cost value that is independent on the length of the segment. This cost value is chosen by the attribute "cost".
Defines the vehicle to be used. Give as many details on the vehicle as possible in order to obtain the best result. Please note that all values apply to the complete vehicle including trailer. Note that the results may be incorrect because the legal definition of a vehicle type may differ from country to country and it may also differ from the technical definition. As an example, a truck with a weight of 7.5 tons is a truck by legal definition in Germany but is not a truck by definition of toll. Most parameters are used for several use cases. They are denoted with (1) for routing, (2) for toll, (3) for emission calculation, and (4) for road editor. The default is a VW Golf VI.
The green zone type of the vehicle. The treatment of road segments that are not allowed because of the green zone type is controlled by the bonus/malus value forbiddenLowEmissionZone. (1)
True for vehicles which are intended to deliver something (1). This parameter is important by incepting areas which are blocked for transit but allowed for delivery.
The load type of the vehicle, e.g passengers or goods, etc. (1,2,3). This parameter is important to derive the type of the vehicle. For example, if the vehicle's weight is about 10 tons, then the load type can help to determine whether the vehicle is a truck or a bus.
The tunnel restriction code defining, for example, whether the vehicle is restricted to use the tunnels when carrying dangerous goods or explosives (4).
The maximum speed in [km/h] for all road segments. If not 0, the speeds calculated from the interval [minimumSpeed, maximumSpeed] for each network class, will be limited to this speed value. Note: an interval [70,135] for network class 0 with a maximum speed of 120 km/h is not equal to the interval [70,120] (1).
Defines the parameters used especially for the calculation of isochrones, i.e. lists of segments that can be reached from a station within a given time interval or distance range.
Parameter to define how an area that approximates all segments reached within a given time or distance are approximated. Possible values are TILE_BASED or NODE_BASED. See the documentation for the child nodes for their exact meaning.
Defines if the leveling heuristic is used to accelerate the calculation of the isochrone. After the distance from the start node exceeds a value given by the values of the XML nodes Routing.Algorithm.LevellingScopeByNetworkClass, only higher network classes are examined to find the reachable area. The use of this heuristic will make the resulting area look more handled.
Defines parameters used if the polygonCalculationMode is set to TILE_BASED. In this case, the division of the PTV Map into small squares (tiles) is used to calculate the borders of the area that encompasses all segments reached within a certain time or distance.
If the length of the border line is smaller then this parameter, than the boarder line will be substituted by a straight line. The length is measured in SMART-units.
Defines parameters used if the polygonCalculationMode is set to NODE_BASED. In this case, a modification of the convex hull algorithm to non-convex polygons is applied.
Defines how the hull of the reachability area should be smoothed. NONE - no smoothing, WEAK - Two vertices of the hull are omitted if they are too close together. MEDIUM - Two polylines of the hull are merged if their angle is smaller than secondSmoothingAngle. STRONG - Both approaches mentioned above are used.
Defines the minimum possible angle spanning two neighbored points of the isochrone hull. Is applied to two neighboring poly-points of an isochrone. Is the angle between the source point and both poly-points less than this angle, the start point is to eliminate.
The maximum angle of a slice originating at the center of the isochrone that can be empty. If such an empty slice is detected, additional points are inserted to complete the hull of the isochrone.
Defines the minimum angle two adjoining polylines of the isochone hull border can have. Is applied to three neighboring polypoints of an isochrone. If the middle point is closer to the source point than the outer points and if the angle between them is less than this angle, the middle point is to eliminate.
The maximum air-line distance between start end destination of a route in [m]. 0 means unlimited route length. This parameter can be used to limit the air-line distance for performance reasons such as for pedestrian and bicycle routing. Very long routes shall then not be calculated as they consume a lot of computing time.
Insert extra points in polyline exception paths. These extra points are linear interpolated between polypoints with a distance greater than the given maximum in order to obtain a more stable result when matching the polyline to the routing network. Use this parameter only if the polylines are not dense enough and yield unsufficient results.
If insertExtraPoints is true, points are added to the polyline by means of linear interpolation so that each two consecutive points have a distance less than this value.
If true, each binary exception path is validated agains the map. The application should take care of this, so enable this parameter only during development and debugging, disable it in a productive environment.
Link to the next road segment. It is possible to filter the road segments using the element Routing/Waypoint/LinkTypeConfiguration/Road.
Link to the next main node.
Link to the next road segment if possible, otherwise link to the next main node if possible, otherwise link to the next toll station.
Link to all road segments within the distance defined by the element Routing/Waypoint/LinkTypeConfiguration/Road.
Link to the next toll station.
Link to all entry nodes of a main node where adjacent road segments match a given road name. Finding the main node is restricted by the attribute Routing / Waypoint / LinkTypeConfiguration / RoadName / @maximumDistanceToMainNode. If there is no main node available then link to all entry nodes where adjacent road segments match a given road name within a maximum distance given by the attribute Routing / Waypoint / LinkTypeConfiguration / RoadName / @maximumDistance.
Link to the next node. Please note that the linked node may not be reachable by routing using the current routing parameters. Unlike link type ROAD, there are no checks to see whether the node can be reached or not.
Defines the restriction mode how to restrict the route calculation using a bounding box.
restriction of xs:string
No restriction by bounding box.
Uses the custom bounding box to restrict the search space.
Only valid for matrix routing. Determines the restricting bounding box by calculating the bounding box of all start and destination points and extending it by a given length. See Routing / Algorithm / GeographicRestrictions / @boundingBoxExtension.
Defines the event-specific mathematical cost. There are two ways to influence the cost of a route: absolute cost, which is added if an event occurs (defined by this type), and relative cost, which means increasing the cost of a segment by a percent value (BonusMalusValue type). The routing cost depends on many parameters and is an abstract value without a physical equivalent. As a rule of thumb one cost unit corresponds to one meter if the route is solely optimized for distance.
Defines the segment-specific bonus and malus values in [%] for controlling the course of the route based on special needs. Use the special malus value of 2501 in order to block all segments with the property in question (e.g. ferries or toll roads), and use -99 in order to prefer them over all other segments. Use a value in between to increase or decrease the mathematical cost for the segments in the routing algorithm. A negative value decreases the initial mathematical cost of the segment (bonus) and a positive value increases the cost (malus) by the given percentage. 2500 is the proper value when segments must not be used unless there is no other option (consider a ferry being the only way to leave an island, residential areas at start or destination). Note that not every road network supports all segment properties. Contact your PTV representative for details.
The country code of the country for the bonus/malus on segments with named toll. Note that for big countries that are split into several integration units only the integration unit codes can be used here, not the code of the whole country.
Defines the type of load and is mainly used to differentiate between cars and trucks. This setting controls the road blocks in the road network and the calculation of other mostly vehicle-dependent values such as toll and emissions.
restriction of xs:string
The vehicle can transport only passenges.
The vehicle can transport only goods.
The vehicle can transport both passenges and goods.
The maximum distance in [m] to search for a road segment of network class 0 (freeway) to link to. The value is only used if the attribute @minimumNetworkClass is set to 0. Usually, a route does not start or end on a freeway, but if this is to be allowed, choose a proper value here.
Link only to roads with network class greater than or equal to this network class. Usually, a route does not start or end on a freeway. Choose a value > 0 to avoid linking to freeway segments.
The heading tolerance angle [°]. The heading can be optionally set in the request. With a tolerance of 180 or greater the heading will not be checked. This parameter is only relevant if the heading is set in the request.
If true, the attribute @maximumDistanceToMainNodeForNetworkclass0 is only used for via waypoints. Otherwise it is used for start and destination waypoints, too.
The maximum distance in [m] to search for a road segment to link to in the context of the link type ROAD_NAME. See documentation for link type ROAD_NAME.
Link to the next road segment. It is possible to filter the road segments using the element Routing/Waypoint/LinkTypeConfiguration/Road.
Link to the next main node.
Link to the next road segment if possible, otherwise link to the next main node if possible, otherwise link to the next toll station.
Link to all road segments within the distance defined by the element Routing/Waypoint/LinkTypeConfiguration/Road.
Link to the next toll station.
Link to all entry nodes of a main node where adjacent road segments match a given road name. Finding the main node is restricted by the attribute Routing / Waypoint / LinkTypeConfiguration / RoadName / @maximumDistanceToMainNode. If there is no main node available then link to all entry nodes where adjacent road segments match a given road name within a maximum distance given by the attribute Routing / Waypoint / LinkTypeConfiguration / RoadName / @maximumDistance.
Link to the next node. Please note that the linked node may not be reachable by routing using the current routing parameters. Unlike link type ROAD, there are no checks to see whether the node can be reached or not.
Uses the custom bounding box to restrict the search space.
Only valid for matrix routing. Determines the restricting bounding box by calculating the bounding box of all start and destination points and extending it by a given length. See Routing / Algorithm / GeographicRestrictions / @boundingBoxExtension.
The routing algorithm. Depending on other parameters the routing mode may be automatically adjusted to another mode (for example, it is not possible to use a bidirectional routing algorithm with time-dependent routing costs.)
The aggressiveness of the A* algorithm (only if an A* routing algorithm is used). The calculated A* bound, based on the linear distance to the destination, is multiplied by the aggressiveness. With aggressiveness larger than 1 the A* algorithm cannot guarantee optimal solutions anymore, but has better performance.
The fast turning ban heuristic is used by default. This heuristic can cause in rare cases suboptimal routes because then driving in both directions of roads is not always considered by the algorithm. Switching off the heuristic by setting this attribute to false yields better routes but can increase the runtime of the routing algorithm.
The total cost for banned turns that have the attribute free for authorized vehicles. Only relevant if the legal condition isAuthorized is enabled in the vehicle parameters.
The bonus/malus for segments with the free for delivery flag. This malus is only used for segments that are blocked in both directions. In this case, a non-blocking value opens the segment and applies the malus value. Only relevant if the legal condition isDelivery is enabled in the vehicle parameters.
The total cost for banned turns that have the free for emergency attribute. Only relevant if the legal condition isEmergency is enabled in the vehicle parameters.
The total cost for banned turns that have the free for project attribute. Only relevant if the legal condition isProject is enabled in the vehicle parameters.
The bonus/malus for segments with the free for project flag. This malus is only used for segments that are blocked in both directions. In this case, a non-blocking value opens the segment and applies the malus value. Only relevant if the legal condition isProject is enabled in the vehicle parameters.
The bonus/malus for segments with the blocked for project flag. This malus is only used for segments that are not blocked in both directions. In this case, the bonus/malus value is applied. Only relevant if the legal condition isProject is enabled in the vehicle parameters.
The country code of the country for the bonus/malus on segments with named toll. Note that for big countries that are split into several integration units only the integration unit codes can be used here, not the code of the whole country.
The bonus/malus for each segment for which the current transport system has to pay ordinary toll. This malus may be overwritten by the malus for named toll if set by NamedTollMalus.
The bonus/malus for urban segments. A segment is treated as "urban" if the corresponding segment attribute is set and the network class is larger than or equal to minimumUrbanNetworkClass.
Enables the consideration of additional segment properties which depend on certain vehicle properties. Please note that all subordinate parameters are valid only if the 'enabled' attribute is true.
Calculate the route without considering dynamic data, but calculate the travel time considering it. To use this useLegacyDynamic or FeatureLayer time dependency must be enabled.
Maximum period in [s] between calculated and real breaks. A smaller value increases the precision of the calculated breaks but decreases the performance of the route calculation. This is a project specific parameter which defines the precision of dynamic time functions used for a subsequent break and rest calculation. It only applies if dynamicTimeOnStaticRoute is enabled.
To avoid the formation of isolated areas, all segment blockings that are created by additional segment rules are transformed into a high cost value that is independent on the length of the segment. This cost value is chosen by the attribute "cost".
The weight factor for route travel time (in [%]). The length enters the basic cost term with a weight of 100 - distanceTimeWeighting. Hence, with a value of 100, only travel time is optimized, while with a value of 0 only the length of the route is optimized.
Defines if a shortest route should be enforced. Its effect is that all segment-specific bonus and malus values are set to zero and the search space is extended indefinitely. If this parameter is set to true, the setting of BonusMalus and of LevellingScopeByNetworkClass has no effect.
The green zone type of the vehicle. The treatment of road segments that are not allowed because of the green zone type is controlled by the bonus/malus value forbiddenLowEmissionZone. (1)
True for vehicles which are intended to deliver something (1). This parameter is important by incepting areas which are blocked for transit but allowed for delivery.
The load type of the vehicle, e.g passengers or goods, etc. (1,2,3). This parameter is important to derive the type of the vehicle. For example, if the vehicle's weight is about 10 tons, then the load type can help to determine whether the vehicle is a truck or a bus.
The tunnel restriction code defining, for example, whether the vehicle is restricted to use the tunnels when carrying dangerous goods or explosives (4).
The maximum speed in [km/h] for all road segments. If not 0, the speeds calculated from the interval [minimumSpeed, maximumSpeed] for each network class, will be limited to this speed value. Note: an interval [70,135] for network class 0 with a maximum speed of 120 km/h is not equal to the interval [70,120] (1).
If the length of the border line is smaller then this parameter, than the boarder line will be substituted by a straight line. The length is measured in SMART-units.
Defines how the hull of the reachability area should be smoothed. NONE - no smoothing, WEAK - Two vertices of the hull are omitted if they are too close together. MEDIUM - Two polylines of the hull are merged if their angle is smaller than secondSmoothingAngle. STRONG - Both approaches mentioned above are used.
Defines the minimum possible angle spanning two neighbored points of the isochrone hull. Is applied to two neighboring poly-points of an isochrone. Is the angle between the source point and both poly-points less than this angle, the start point is to eliminate.
Defines the minimum angle two adjoining polylines of the isochone hull border can have. Is applied to three neighboring polypoints of an isochrone. If the middle point is closer to the source point than the outer points and if the angle between them is less than this angle, the middle point is to eliminate.
The maximum angle of a slice originating at the center of the isochrone that can be empty. If such an empty slice is detected, additional points are inserted to complete the hull of the isochrone.
Parameter to define how an area that approximates all segments reached within a given time or distance are approximated. Possible values are TILE_BASED or NODE_BASED. See the documentation for the child nodes for their exact meaning.
Defines if the leveling heuristic is used to accelerate the calculation of the isochrone. After the distance from the start node exceeds a value given by the values of the XML nodes Routing.Algorithm.LevellingScopeByNetworkClass, only higher network classes are examined to find the reachable area. The use of this heuristic will make the resulting area look more handled.
Insert extra points in polyline exception paths. These extra points are linear interpolated between polypoints with a distance greater than the given maximum in order to obtain a more stable result when matching the polyline to the routing network. Use this parameter only if the polylines are not dense enough and yield unsufficient results.
If insertExtraPoints is true, points are added to the polyline by means of linear interpolation so that each two consecutive points have a distance less than this value.
If true, each binary exception path is validated agains the map. The application should take care of this, so enable this parameter only during development and debugging, disable it in a productive environment.
The maximum air-line distance between start end destination of a route in [m]. 0 means unlimited route length. This parameter can be used to limit the air-line distance for performance reasons such as for pedestrian and bicycle routing. Very long routes shall then not be calculated as they consume a lot of computing time.