- background type
- The background type is an identification number for a specific background area. An example for backgrounds are forests, parks and so on. List of Background Types
- country code
- The country code is an identification number for an integration unit. Many rendering parameters are adjustable depending from the country code. Examples are
the colors from street signs or many background parameters. List of country codes.
- height types
- The Heights are arranged in 32 types. List of height types.
- integration unit
- An integration unit (IU) is the identifier for a country in a geoplatform map.
- language code
- The language code is an identification number for a language. A country can have more than one language codes. Examples for this are Switzerland or Luxembourg.
List of language codes.
- scale
- The scale unit for the gpRenderer is SMartUnit/Pixel. SMartUnit is a PTV specific coordinate unit. 1 SMartUnit is equivalent to 4.809543 Mercator.
- SMartUnit
- 1 SMartUnit is equivalent to 4.809543 Mercator
- street category
- The street category is a number to specify the significance of a street. List of street
- street type
- The street type specify the kind of street. List of street types.
- town category
- The town category is a number to specify the significance of a town. List of town
- zoom level
- A specific view in a map with a concrete scale. A synonym is scale.
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