Country countryCode
Czech Republic 1
Slovak Republic 2
San Marino 7
Puerto Rico 10
Estonia 11
Georgia 12
Letvia 13
Lithuania 14
Moldova 15
Russia 16
Ukraine 17
Belarus 18
Egypt 20
South Africa 27
Greek 30
Netherlands 31
Belgium 32
France 33
Spain 34
Hungary 36
Italy 39
Romania 40
Switzerland 41
Austria 43
United Kingdom 44
Denmark 45
Sweden 46
Norway 47
Poland 48
Germany 49
Gibraltar 50
Portugal 51
Luxembourg 52
Ireland 53
Iceland 54
Albania 55
Malta 56
Cyprus 57
Finland 58
Bulgaria 59
Malaysia 60
Lebanon 61
Andorra 62
Syria 63
New Zealand 64
Singapore 65
Saudi Arabia 66
Libya 71
Israel 72
Uzbekistan 74
Liechtenstein 75
Marocco 76
Algeria 77
Tunisia 78
Wester Sahara 79
Mauretania 80
Rest of Yugoslavia 81
South Korea (Rep.) 82
Jordan 83
Vietnam 84
Croatia 85
Solvenia 86
Bosnia 87
Macedonia 89
Turkey 90
India 91
Pakistan 92
Monaco 93
Azerbaijan 94
Armenia 95
Vatican City 96
Faroe Islands 98
United States of America (USA) 100
US Alabama 101
US Alaska 102
US Arizona 104
US Arkansas 105
US California 106
US Colorado 108
US Connecticut 109
US Delaware 110
US District of Columbia 111
US Florida 112
US Georgia 113
US Hawaii 115
US Idaho 116
US Illinois 117
US Indiana 118
US Iowa 119
US Kansas 120
US Kentucky 121
US Louisiana 122
US Maine 123
US Maryland 124
US Massachusetts 125
US Michigan 126
US Minnesota 127
US Mississippi 128
US Missouri 129
US Montana 130
US Nebraska 131
US Nevada 132
US New Hampshire 133
US New Jersey 134
US New Mexico 135
US New York 136
US North Carolina 137
US North Dakota 138
US Ohio 139
US Oklahoma 140
US Oregon 141
US Pennsylvania 142
US Rhode Island 144
US South Carolina 145
US South Dakota 146
US Tennessee 147
US Texas 148
US Utah 149
US Vermont 150
US Virginia 151
US Washington 153
US West Virginia 154
US Wisconsin 155
US Wyoming 156
Canada 200
Gambia 220
Senegal 221
Mali 223
Guinea 224
Burkina 226
Niger 227
Togo 228
Benin 229
Mauritius 230
Liberia 231
Sierra Leone 232
Ghana 233
Nigeria 234
Chad 235
Central African Republic 236
Cameroon 237
Cape Verde 238
Sao Tome and Principe 239
Equatorial Guinea 240
Gabonn 241
Congo 242
Zaire 243
Angola 244
Guinea-BissauB 245
Seychelles 248
Sudan 249
Rwanda 250
Ethiopia 251
Somalia 252
Dschibuti 253
Kenya 254
Tanzania 255
Uganda 256
Burundi 257
Mozambique 258
Zambia 260
Madagascar 261
Reunion 262
Zimbabwe 263
Namibia 264
Malawi 265
Lesotho 266
Botswana 267
Swaziland 268
Comoren 269
Mayotte 270
Eritrea 291
Aruba 297
Greenland 299
Antarctica 300
Ashmore und Cartier Islands 301
Bassas da India 302
Bouvet Islands 303
British India and Ocean Territory 304
British Virgin Islands 305
Christmas Islands 306
Clipperton Islands 307
Coral Sea Islands 308
Ivory Coasr 309
Disputed Territories 310
European Island 311
French Southern and Arctic Areas 312
Glorios Inslands 313
Golan Heights 314
Guernsey 315
Heard Island ands McDonald Islands 316
Hong Kong 317
Howland Island 318
Iraq Saudi Arabia Neutral Zone 319
Jan Mayen 320
Jersey 321
Johnston Atoll 322
Juan de nova Islands 323
Kingman Reef 324
Man (Island) 325
Midway Islands 326
Montenegro 327
Niue 328
Norfolk Islands 329
Palmyra Atoll 330
Paracel Islands 331
Serbien 332
South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands 333
Spartly Islands 334
St. Helena 335
Svalbard 336
Tokelau 337
Tromelin Islands 338
Baker Island 339
Micronesia 340
North Korea (DVR) 341
United Nations neutral Zone 342
Falkland Inseln 500
Belize 501
Guatemala 502
El Salvador 503
Honduras 504
Nicaragua 505
Costa Rica 506
Panama 507
Haiti 509
Trinidad and Tobago 530
Grenada 531
Barbados 532
St. Vincent and the Grenadines 533
St. Lucia 534
Dominica 535
Dominican Republic 536
St. Kitts and Nevis 537
Jamaica 538
Montserrat 539
Antigua and Barbuda 540
Anguilla Dog Islands and Sombrero 543
Virgin Islands (UK) 544
Virgin Islands (USA) 545
Kaimaninseln 546
Turks and Caicos Islands 547
Navassa 548
Bermuda 550
St. Pierreand Miquelon 551
Guadeloupe 590
Bolivia 591
Guyana 592
Ecuador 593
French Guyana 594
Paraguay 595
Martinique 596
Suriname 597
Uruguay 598
Netherlands Antilles 599
Northern Marianen Islands 670
Guam 671
Brunei 673
Nauru 674
Papua New Guinea 675
Tonga 676
Solomon Islands 677
Vanuatu 678
Fidschi 679
Palau 680
Wallis and Futuna 681
Cook Islands 682
American Samoa 684
West Samoa 685
Kiribati 686
New Caledonia 687
Tuvalu 688
French Polynesia 689
Karolinen Islands 691
Marshall Islands 692
Jarvis Island 696
Wake Island 698
Peru 751
Mexico 752
Cuba 753
Argentinia 754
Brazil 755
Chile 756
Colombia 757
Venezuela 758
Australia 761
Indonesia 762
Philippines 763
Thailand 766
Turkmenistan 775
Kazakhstan 776
Kyrgyzstan 777
Tajikistan 778
Japan 781
China 786
Afghanistan 793
Sri Lanka 794
Myanmar 795
Iran 798
Bahamas 809
Macao 853
Cambodia 855
Laos 856
Bangladesh 880
Taiwan (China Rep.) 886
Maledives 960
Iraq 964
Kuwait 965
Yemen 967
Oman 968
United Arab Emirates 971
Bahrain 973
Qatar 974
Bhutan 975
Mongolia 976
Nepal 977
Gaza Strip 73
West-Jordan-Land 773