Background Type Number Background Description
0 Not in use
1 Woodland
2 Named location; address area
3 Traffic feature
4 Traffic feature; airport
5 Pedestrian zone
6 Built-up area
7 Water
8 Ocean
9 Traffic feature; aircraft Roads
10 Parks and green areas
11 Commercial
12 Public building
13 Public building; cultural
14 Residential
15 Sport and leisure
16 Reservation
17 Public building; medical
18 Public Building; educational
19 Military base
20 Comprehensive - industry
21 Comprehensive - cemetery
22 Beach, dune and sand plain
23 Park in water
24 Moors and heathland
25 Comprehensive - sports complex
26 Comprehensive - golf
27 Comprehensive - university/college, - hospital
28 Comprehensive - Shopping center
29 Green zone, green
30 Green zone, yellow
31 Green zone, red
32 River
33 Rail
34 Country border
35 Federal border