Developer's Guide > API Documentation > API Documentation PTV xLocate > Exceptions

Component xlocate






Input and Output




Deprecated. As of release 1.4, replaced by findAddress().

Searches the given address using the specified search options. If the sorting array is empty, the default sorting order is taken from the native profile. Sorting strings lexicographically is case-sensitive, for example 'Z' < 'a' and 'z' < 'é' so that "Rue Robert Stumper" < "Rue de Stavelot" and "Rue d'Etch" < "Rue d'Épernay".

Parameter Name Type Description
addr Address The input address.
options SearchOptionBase[] Optional search options.
sorting SortOption[] Optional sorting options.
additionalFields ResultField[] Additional result fields that are returned.
Return Type Description
ResultAddress[] Returns a list of address candidates, according to the specified sorting options.
XLocateException Thrown if an xLocate server exception such as an invalid request parameter occurs.
XServiceException Thrown if a PTV xServer framework exception occurs.


Deprecated. As of release 1.4, replaced by findAddresses().

Searches the given addresses using the specified search options. This is the bulk version allowing clients to avoid server call loops. If the sorting array is empty, the default sorting order is taken from the native profile. Sorting strings lexicographically is case-sensitive, for example 'Z' < 'a' and 'z' < 'é' so that "Rue Robert Stumper" < "Rue de Stavelot" and "Rue d'Etch" < "Rue d'Épernay".

Parameter Name Type Description
addrs Address[] The input addresses.
options SearchOptionBase[] Additional search options.
sorting SortOption[] Additional sort options.
additionalFields ResultField[] Additional result fields that are returned.
Return Type Description
ResultAddress[][] The list of address candidate lists.
XLocateException Thrown if an xLocate server exception such as an invalid request parameter occurs.
XServiceException Thrown if a PTV xServer framework exception occurs.


Deprecated. As of release 1.4, replaced by findLocation().

Searches the nearest address to the specified location. Sorting the results is not yet implemented.

Parameter Name Type Description
location Point The input location.
options SearchOptionBase[] Additional search options.
sorting SortOption[] Additional sort options.
additionalFields ResultField[] Additional result fields that are returned.
Return Type Description
ResultAddress[] The list of address candidates.
XLocateException Thrown if an xLocate server exception such as an invalid request parameter occurs.
XServiceException Thrown if a PTV xServer framework exception occurs.


Deprecated. As of release 1.4, replaced by findLocations().

Searches the nearest addresses to the specified locations. This is the bulk version allowing clients to avoid server call loops. Sorting the results is not implemented yet.

Parameter Name Type Description
location Point[] The input locations.
options SearchOptionBase[] Additional search options.
sorting SortOption[] Additional sort options.
additionalFields ResultField[] Additional result fields that are returned.
Return Type Description
ResultAddress[][] List of address candidate lists.
XLocateException Thrown if an xLocate server exception such as an invalid request parameter occurs.
XServiceException Thrown if an xServer framework exception occurs.


Searches the given address using the specified search options. If the sorting array is empty, the default sorting order is taken from the native profile. Sorting strings lexicographically is case-sensitive, for example 'Z' < 'a' and 'z' < 'é' so that "Rue Robert Stumper" < "Rue de Stavelot" and "Rue d'Etch" < "Rue d'Épernay".

Parameter Name Type Description
addr Address The input address.
options SearchOptionBase[] Additional search options.
sorting SortOption[] Additional sort options.
additionalFields ResultField[] Additional result fields that are returned.
Return Type Description
AddressResponse List of address candidates.
XLocateException Thrown if an xLocate server exception such as an invalid request parameter occurs.
XServiceException Thrown if a PTV xServer framework exception occurs.


Searches the given addresses using the specified search options. This is the bulk version allowing clients to avoid server call loops. If the sorting array is empty, the default sorting order is taken from the native profile. Sorting strings lexicographically is case-sensitive, for example 'Z' < 'a' and 'z' < 'é' so that "Rue Robert Stumper" < "Rue de Stavelot" and "Rue d'Etch" < "Rue d'Épernay".

Parameter Name Type Description
addrs Address[] The input addresses.
options SearchOptionBase[] Additional search options.
sorting SortOption[] Additional sort options.
additionalFields ResultField[] Additional result fields that are returned.
Return Type Description
AddressResponse[] List of address candidate lists.
XLocateException Thrown if an xLocate server exception such as an invalid request parameter occurs.
XServiceException Thrown if a PTV xServer framework exception occurs.


This is the asynchronous version of findAddresses. Calling this method will not block until the result has been calculated. Instead of a result object a Job object is returned which identifies the started calculation. To get status updates on a running job use the method watchJob and check the attribute status of type JobStatus. If it turns to SUCCEEDED, the calculation was successful and the result can be obtained using fetchAddressResponses. If the job ended with status FAILED, fetchAddressResponses throws the exception that occured during calculation.
Parameter Name Type Description
addrs Address[] The input addresses.
options SearchOptionBase[] Additional search options.
sorting SortOption[] Additional sort options.
additionalFields ResultField[] Additional result fields that are returned.
Return Type Description
Job The Job reference.
XLocateException Thrown if an xLocate server exception such as an invalid request parameter occurs.
XServiceException Thrown if a PTV xServer framework exception occurs.


Fetches results of type AddressResponse[] for the given job id. If the calculation ended with an exception fetchAddressResponses will rethrow it. If the id of the job is unknown a SystemException with message 'unknown id' is thrown.
Parameter Name Type Description
id String The id of the job.
Return Type Description
AddressResponse[] List of address candidate lists.
XLocateException Thrown if an xLocate server exception such as an invalid request parameter occurs.
XServiceException Thrown if a PTV xServer framework exception occurs.


Searches the nearest address to the specified location. Sorting the results is not yet implemented.

Parameter Name Type Description
location Location Input location.
options SearchOptionBase[] Additional search options.
sorting SortOption[] Additional sort options.
additionalFields ResultField[] Additional result fields that are returned.
Return Type Description
AddressResponse List of address candidates.
XLocateException Thrown if an xLocate server exception such as an invalid request parameter occurs.
XServiceException Thrown if a PTV xServer framework exception occurs.


Searches the nearest addresses to the specified locations. This is the bulk version allowing clients to avoid server call loops. Sorting the results is not yet implemented.

Parameter Name Type Description
location Location[] The input locations.
options SearchOptionBase[] Additional search options.
sorting SortOption[] Additional sort options.
additionalFields ResultField[] Additional result fields that are returned.
Return Type Description
AddressResponse[] List of address candidate lists.
XLocateException Thrown if an xLocate server exception such as an invalid request parameter occurs.
XServiceException Thrown if a PTV xServer framework exception occurs.


This is the asynchronous version of findLocations. Calling this method will not block until the result has been calculated. Instead of a result object a Job object is returned which identifies the started calculation. To get status updates on a running job use the method watchJob and check the attribute status of type JobStatus. If it turns to SUCCEEDED, the calculation was successful and the result can be obtained using fetchAddressResponses. If the job ended with status FAILED, fetchAddressResponses throws the exception that occured during calculation.
Parameter Name Type Description
location Location[] The input locations.
options SearchOptionBase[] Additional search options.
sorting SortOption[] Additional sort options.
additionalFields ResultField[] Additional result fields that are returned.
Return Type Description
Job The Job reference.
XLocateException Thrown if an xLocate server exception such as an invalid request parameter occurs.
XServiceException Thrown if a PTV xServer framework exception occurs.


Searches the given POI address using the specified search options. The default sorting order is ascending by totalScore. Sorting strings lexicographically is case-sensitive, for example 'Z' < 'a' and 'z' < 'é' so that "Rue Robert Stumper" < "Rue de Stavelot" and "Rue d'Etch" < "Rue d'Épernay".

Parameter Name Type Description
addrs PoiAddress The input POI address.
options SearchOptionBase[] Additional search options.
sorting SortOption[] Additional sort options.
additionalFields ResultField[] Additional result fields that are returned.
Return Type Description
PoiAddressResponse The list of POI address candidates.
XLocateException Thrown if an xLocate server exception such as an invalid request parameter occurs.
XServiceException Thrown if a PTV xServer framework exception occurs.


Searches the given POI address using the specified search options. The default sorting order is ascending by totalScore. Sorting strings lexicographically is case-sensitive, for example 'Z' < 'a' and 'z' < 'é' so that "Rue Robert Stumper" < "Rue de Stavelot" and "Rue d'Etch" < "Rue d'Épernay".

Parameter Name Type Description
addrs PoiAddress[] The input POI addresses.
options SearchOptionBase[] Additional search options.
sorting SortOption[] Additional sort options.
additionalFields ResultField[] Additional result fields that are returned.
Return Type Description
PoiAddressResponse[] The list of POI address candidates lists.
XLocateException Thrown if an xLocate server exception such as an invalid request parameter occurs.
XServiceException Thrown if a PTV xServer framework exception occurs.


This is the asynchronous version of findPoiByAddresses. Calling this method will not block until the result has been calculated. Instead of a result object a Job object is returned which identifies the started calculation. To get status updates on a running job use the method watchJob and check the attribute status of type JobStatus. If it turns to SUCCEEDED, the calculation was successful and the result can be obtained using fetchPoiAddressResponses. If the job ended with status FAILED, fetchPoiAddressResponses throws the exception that occured during calculation.
Parameter Name Type Description
addrs PoiAddress[] The input POI addresses.
options SearchOptionBase[] Additional search options.
sorting SortOption[] Additional sort options.
additionalFields ResultField[] Additional result fields that are returned.
Return Type Description
Job The Job reference.
XLocateException Thrown if an xLocate server exception such as an invalid request parameter occurs.
XServiceException Thrown if a PTV xServer framework exception occurs.


Fetches results of type PoiAddressResponse[] for the given job id. If the calculation ended with an exception fetchPoiAddressResponses will rethrow it. If the id of the job is unknown a SystemException with message 'unknown id' is thrown.
Parameter Name Type Description
id String The id of the job.
Return Type Description
PoiAddressResponse[] The list of POI address candidates lists.
XLocateException Thrown if an xLocate server exception such as an invalid request parameter occurs.
XServiceException Thrown if a PTV xServer framework exception occurs.


Searches the nearest POI address to the specified location. The default sorting order is ascending by totalScore. Sorting strings lexicographically is case-sensitive, for example 'Z' < 'a' and 'z' < 'é' so that "Rue Robert Stumper" < "Rue de Stavelot" and "Rue d'Etch" < "Rue d'Épernay".

Parameter Name Type Description
location PoiLocation The input POI location.
options SearchOptionBase[] Additional search options.
sorting SortOption[] Additional sort options.
additionalFields ResultField[] Additional result fields that are returned.
Return Type Description
PoiAddressResponse The list of POI address candidates.
XLocateException Thrown if an xLocate server exception such as an invalid request parameter occurs.
XServiceException Thrown if a PTV xServer framework exception occurs.


Searches the nearest POI addresses to the specified locations. This is the bulk version allowing clients to avoid server call loops. The default sorting order is ascending by totalScore. Sorting strings lexicographically is case-sensitive, for example 'Z' < 'a' and 'z' < 'é' so that "Rue Robert Stumper" < "Rue de Stavelot" and "Rue d'Etch" < "Rue d'Épernay".

Parameter Name Type Description
locations PoiLocation[] The input POI locations.
options SearchOptionBase[] Additional search options.
sorting SortOption[] Additional sort options.
additionalFields ResultField[] Additional result fields that are returned.
Return Type Description
PoiAddressResponse[] The list of POI address candidates lists.
XLocateException Thrown if an xLocate server exception such as an invalid request parameter occurs.
XServiceException Thrown if a PTV xServer framework exception occurs.


This is the asynchronous version of findPoiByLocations. Calling this method will not block until the result has been calculated. Instead of a result object a Job object is returned which identifies the started calculation. To get status updates on a running job use the method watchJob and check the attribute status of type JobStatus. If it turns to SUCCEEDED, the calculation was successful and the result can be obtained using fetchPoiAddressResponses. If the job ended with status FAILED, fetchPoiAddressResponses throws the exception that occured during calculation.
Parameter Name Type Description
locations PoiLocation[] The input POI locations.
options SearchOptionBase[] Additional search options.
sorting SortOption[] Additional sort options.
additionalFields ResultField[] Additional result fields that are returned.
Return Type Description
Job The Job reference.
XLocateException Thrown if an xLocate server exception such as an invalid request parameter occurs.
XServiceException Thrown if a PTV xServer framework exception occurs.


Searches the given address as a text snippet and the country, using the specified search options. To get the unmatched words of this search, set the ResultField UNMATCHED_WORDS. To get the number of unmatched words, set the ResultField UNMATCHED_WORDS_COUNT. A separator for the address text snippet can be defined with the SearchParameter SINGLE_FIELD_SEPARATORS as a SearchOption. If the sorting array is empty, the default sorting order is taken from the native profile. Sorting strings lexicographically is case-sensitive, for example 'Z' < 'a' and 'z' < 'é' so that "Rue Robert Stumper" < "Rue de Stavelot" and "Rue d'Etch" < "Rue d'Épernay".

Parameter Name Type Description
address String The input address as a text snippet.
country String The country to search in.
options SearchOptionBase[] Additional search options.
sorting SortOption[] Additional sort options.
additionalFields ResultField[] Additional result fields that are returned.
Return Type Description
AddressResponse List of address candidates.
XLocateException Thrown if an xLocate server exception such as an invalid request parameter occurs.
XServiceException Thrown if a PTV xServer framework exception occurs.


Searches the nearest combined transports to the specified location. A combined transport can be

Parameter Name Type Description
location Location The input location.
options SearchOptionBase[] Additional search options.
additionalFields ResultField[] Additional combined transport result fields that are returned.
Return Type Description
CombinedTransportResponse List of combined transport candidates.
XServiceException Thrown if a PTV xServer framework exception occurs.
XLocateException Thrown if an xLocate server exception such as an invalid request parameter occurs.


Searches several types of geographic objects by a given text, using the specified search options. A geographic object can be: an address or a combined transport of type ferry boat or piggyback train connection. By default the method returns addresses as well as combined transport candidates. The object types can be deactivated by setting the SearchParameter ENGINE_ADDRESSSEARCH_ENABLE or ENGINE_COMBINEDTRANSPORTSEARCH_ENABLE to false. To get the unmatched words of this search, set the ResultField UNMATCHED_WORDS. To get the number of unmatched words set the ResultField UNMATCHED_WORDS_COUNT. A separator for the text snippet can be defined with the SearchParameter SINGLE_FIELD_SEPARATORS as a SearchOption. If the sorting array is empty, the default sorting order is taken from the native profile. Sorting strings lexicographically is case-sensitive, for example 'Z' < 'a' and 'z' < 'é' so that "Rue Robert Stumper" < "Rue de Stavelot" and "Rue d'Etch" < "Rue d'Épernay".
In case of ferry and piggyback connections, the set country code will be ignored.

Parameter Name Type Description
text String The input text to search for.
country String The country to search in (ignored for combined transports).
options SearchOptionBase[] Additional search options.
sorting SortOption[] Additional sort options.
additionalFields ResultField[] Additional result fields that are returned.
Return Type Description
ObjectResponse List of address and/or combined transport candidates.
XLocateException Thrown if an xLocate server exception such as an invalid request parameter occurs.
XServiceException Thrown if a PTV xServer framework exception occurs.


Suggests addresses for a given text. For input, use the city or postcode and the street as a comma separated list. Search parameters, sorting options and addional resultfields are not implemented yet. The default sorting order is the size of the suggested city.
Parameter Name Type Description
text String The input text.
country String The country to suggest in.
state String The state to suggest in.
options SearchOptionBase[] Additional search options. Not supported yet.
sorting SortOption[] Additional sort options. Not implemented yet.
additionalFields ResultField[] Additional result fields that are returned. Not supported yet.
Return Type Description
SuggestionResponse List of five suggested address strings.
XLocateException Thrown if an xLocate server exception such as an invalid request parameter occurs.
XServiceException Thrown if a PTV xServer framework exception occurs.


Returns status information on jobs.
Parameter Name Type Description
id String The id of the job.
watchOptions WatchOptions The options to control job status and progress updates.
Return Type Description
Job The job reference.
SystemException Thrown if job management is not available, for example if it is misconfigured.


Attempts to stop a running job. If the status of the job turns to SUCCEEDED, preliminary results can be fetched, if available.
Parameter Name Type Description
id String The id of the job to be stopped.
Return Type Description
Job The job reference.
SystemException Thrown if a preliminary result cannot be provided or job management in general is not available, for example if it is misconfigured.


Attempts to delete a running job. If successful the returned job will have state DELETED.
Parameter Name Type Description
id String The id of the job to be deleteed.
Return Type Description
Job The job reference.
SystemException Thrown if job management is not available, for example if it is misconfigured.



Optional attributes, not returned by default.

Attribute Name Type Description
field ResultField

The name of the result field.

value String

The value of this field. Depending to the fieldtype, numeric values are possible within the string.


The input for geocoding and the base for resulting address candidates.

Attribute Name Type Description
country String

The country code of this address. Depends on the COUNTRY_CODETYPE settings.

state String

The state code of this address.

postCode String

The postcode of this address.

city String

The city name of this address.

city2 String

The city district of this address.

street String

The street name of this address.

houseNumber String

The house number of this address.


The result of an address geocoding. Returns a list of found address candidates. If a problem occurs while searching, an errorcode and a description will be returned.
Attribute Name Type Description
errorCode int

An engine error occured while searching, see ErrorCode for possible Values.

errorDescription String

A textual description of the error code, see ErrorCode for possible values.

resultList ResultAddress[]

The list of found address candidates.


The location of a combined transport.
Attribute Name Type Description
coordinate Point

The coordinate of the combined transport location.

country String

The country of the combined transport.

name String

The name of the combined transport location.


The result of a combined transport geocoding. Returns a list of found combined transport candidates. If a problem occurs while searching, an errorcode and a description will be returned.
Attribute Name Type Description
errorCode int

An Engine Error occured while searching, see ErrorCode for possible Values.

errorDescription String

A textual description of the error code, see ErrorCode for possible values.

resultList ResultCombinedTransport[]

A list of found combined transport candidates.


Abstract class for database result fields.
Attribute Name Type Description
field String

The name of the field.


Extends DatabaseFieldBase

A database field of type blob.
Attribute Name Type Description
value byte[]

Blob content of the field.


Extends DatabaseFieldBase

A database field of type float.
Attribute Name Type Description
value float

The float value of the field.


Extends DatabaseFieldBase

A database field of type integer.
Attribute Name Type Description
value int

The integer value of the field.


Extends DatabaseFieldBase

A database field of type string.
Attribute Name Type Description
value String

The String value of the field.


The input for reverse geocoding.
Attribute Name Type Description
coordinate Point

The coordinate of the location.


Extends SearchOptionBase

The preferred class for specifying search parameters. NamedSearchOption is reserved for special uses.

Attribute Name Type Description
param String

The parameter of the searchoption.


The result of an object geocoding. Returns a list of found geographic objects. If a problem occurs while searching, an errorcode and a description will be returned.
Attribute Name Type Description
errorCode int

An engine error occured while searching, see ErrorCode for possible Values.

errorDescription String

A textual description of the error code, see ErrorCode for possible values.

resultList ResultObject[]

A list of found objects results. The list may contain addresses and combined transports


Extends Address

The address information that is required for POI geocoding.
Attribute Name Type Description
poiType String

The address category of the POI. A numeric value that specifies the POI category. Several types can be stated separated by a blank or semicolon. For detailed information see: PTV POI types.

poiName String

The address name of the POI.

geoDataSourceLayer String The geodatasource layer configuration you want to use. The layer name can be formatted as follows: <configuration>.<layername>[.<profile>][;<SQL Filter>]. If the profile is omitted, the default profile is the one called default, if it exists, the first profile of the profile list, otherwise. In order to use a alternative profile use for example default.points-of-interest.alternative. Additionally, an SQL filter statement can also be added. When using attribute names, put it into brackets, such as [id] = 42.

The SQL filter will be attached at the end of the WHERE clause. Valid expressions are comparisons (<, >, =, like, ...). Concatinations of expressions are possible with the SQL operators AND and OR.

If the geodatasource layer configuration is set, the xlocate returns all of the configured attributes as additional databaseFields except for the basic address attributes. There is no need to configure the additionalFields element of the request.


The Result of POI address geocoding. Returns a list of found POI. If a problem occurs while searching, an errorcode and a description will be returned.
Attribute Name Type Description
errorCode int

An Engine Error occured while searching, see ErrorCode for possible Values.

errorDescription String

A textual description of the error code, see ErrorCode for possible values.

resultList PoiResultAddress[]

List of found POI address candidates.


Extends Location

Extends the location class with further POI attributes.
Attribute Name Type Description
poiType String

The address category of the POI. A numeric value that specifies the POI category. Several types can be stated separated by a blank or semicolon. For detailed information see: PTV POI types.

poiName String

The name of the POI address.

poiSearchRange int

The range to search in meter.

poiArea Polygon

A polygon to specify where to search POIs, for example search all castles in the black forest. This feature is not yet implemented, its value will be ignored.

geoDataSourceLayer String The geodatasource layer configuration you want to use. The layer name can be formatted as follows: <configuration>.<layername>[.<profile>][;<SQL Filter>]. If the profile is omitted, the default profile is the one called default, if it exists, the first profile of the profile list, otherwise. In order to use a alternative profile use e.g default.point-of-interest.alternative. Additionally, an SQL filter statement can also be added. When using attribute names, put it into brackets, such as [id] = 42.

If the geodatasource layer configuration is set, the xlocate returns additional databaseFields.


Extends ResultAddress

Extends the Resultaddress class with further POI attributes.
Attribute Name Type Description
poiType String

The address category of the POI. A numeric value that specifies the POI category. For detailed information see: PTV POI types.

poiName String

The name of the POI.

databaseFields DatabaseFieldBase[]

A list of database fields configured in the geodatasource layer configuration. Only set if geodatasource is not empty.


Extends SearchOptionBase

The preferred class for specifying POI search parameters.
Attribute Name Type Description
param PoiSearchParameter

The parameter of the POISearchOption.


Extends Address

Extends the address (class) with further attributes.

Attribute Name Type Description
adminRegion String

The administrative address supplement of the address.

appendix String

The appendix of the address.

countryCapital String

The capital of the country.

totalScore int Score indicating the overall quality of the address candidate:
- For geocoding, it is calculated using resultfields Town.Classification, PostalCode.Classification, and Street.Classification. Each classification is mapped to a value. The sum of these values is divided by the maximum reachable value for this result address. It is displayed as a percentage.
- For reverse geocoding, it is the distance to the input coordinate in meters.
detailLevelDescription DetailLevelDescription

The detail level of the candidate. See DetailLevelDescription for possible values.

classificationDescription ClassificationDescription

The classification of the address candidate based on the quality of the match. See ClassificationDescription for possible values.

coordinates Point

The coordinates of the address candidate.

additionalFields AdditionalField[]

Additional result fields. The fields are returned in the same order as they have been requested.


The found combined transport. The ID will be used as input for a routing with a PTV xRoute Server.
Attribute Name Type Description
id String

The unique key to identify the combined transport.

name String

The name of the combined transport.

duration int

The duration in seconds of the combined transport.

distance double

The distance to the input location in meters.

type int

The type of the combined transport. Legal values are:

1 - ferry: The combined transport is a ferry boat connection.

2 - piggyback: The combined transport is a piggyback train connection.

start CombinedTransportLocation

The start of the combined transport.

destination CombinedTransportLocation

The destination of the combined transport.

combinedTransportFields AdditionalField[]

Additional combined transport result fields. The fields are returned in the same order as they have been requested.


A found candidate containing several types of geographic objects.
Attribute Name Type Description
combinedTransport ResultCombinedTransport A combined transport object.
address ResultAddress

An address object.


Extends SearchOptionBase

Extends SearchOptionBase and specifies the parameter attribute.

Attribute Name Type Description
param ReverseSearchParameter

The parameter of the SearchOption. See ReverseSearchParameter for possible values.


Extends SearchOptionBase

Extends SearchOptionBase and specifies the parameter attribute.

Attribute Name Type Description
param SearchParameter

The parameter of the search option. See SearchParameter for possible values.


The base class for search options. Specifies the value attribute. Use one of the derived classes instead of this class, to specify an appropriate parameter attribute.

Attribute Name Type Description
value String

The value of the parameter.


Class for specifiying a sorting criterion.

Attribute Name Type Description
field ResultField

Specifies the sort field, see ResultField enumeration. Every result field can be used as a sorting field.

order SortOrder

Sort order, see SortOrder enumeration.


A suggestion for an address, while the user is typing (auto completion). Does not contain any geocoded information.
Attribute Name Type Description
text String

The suggested text of the address.

additionalFields AdditionalField[]

Not implemented yet.


A list of found suggestions. If a problem occurs while searching, an errorcode and a description will be returned.
Attribute Name Type Description
suggestionList Suggestion[]

The resultlist of the suggestion. At the moment at most 5 candidates are listed.

errorcode int

An engine error occured while searching, see ErrorCode for possible values.

errorDescription String

A textual description of the error code, see ErrorCode for possible values.



Enumeration of legal values for the address candidate classification. The classification of an address candidate is based on the quality of the match.

Enumerator Name Value Description

No classification is available.


The address candidate has a low quality.


The address candidate has an average quality.


The address candidate has a close match to the input.


The address candidate can be considered as exact.


The address candidate can be considered as unique. In addition to EXACT, UNIQUE indicates possible candidates when batch geocoding addresses.


Enumeration of legal values for the detail level of the address candidate. The detail level gives information about the data level on which a candidates was found. A greater value indicates a higher data level.

Enumerator Name Value Description

The candidate was found on country level.


The candidate was found on state level.


The candidate was found on global postcode level.


The candidate was found on city level.


The candidate was found on city district level.


The candidate was found on postcode level.


The candidate was found on street level.


The candidate was found on house number section level. The address candidate does not contain an exact house number.


The candidate was found on house number link level.


The candidate was found on house number level, the house number was interpolated.


The candidate was found on house number level, the data contained the exact house number.


The candidate was found on intersection level, the result data is an intersection.


Thrown if an xLocate server exception occurs.

Enumerator Name Value Description

Description: An error occurred in a call to the native locating engine kernel. The error record contains the native description and the native error code (in parenthesis). These codes are:

Engine Errorcodes

Possible cause:

  • The used map data version does not match to the xLocate version.
  • You have found a bug in one of the xLocate search engines.


  • Contact your xLocate support.

Description: Data path has not been specified in the module configuration.

Possible cause:

  • The used maps.path key in has no value.


  • Add the key and set a valid path.

Description: The engine could not be properly initialized.

Possible cause:

  • The used xLocate mode is deactivated at your xLocate configuration.


  • Check supported.engine key in the file.

Description: The native classification of the engine does not match with the enumeration Classification. The detail level description of the engine does not match with the enumeration DetailLevelDescription.

Possible cause:

  • The used Search Engine does not match to the xLocate module.


  • Use the provided Search Engines.

Description: Every search option passed to the service NamedSearchOption is dynamically compared with the available options in the locating kernel of the engine.

Possible cause:

  • The used search option has been specified as unknown.


  • For valid values check the SearchParameter, ReverseSearchParameter and PoiSearchParameter Documentation.

Description: Every requested additional field is dynamically compared with the available fields in the locating kernel of the engine.

Possible cause:

  • The used additional field has been specified as unknown.


  • For possible values check the ResultField documentation.

Description/Possible cause: A problem handling any relatively referenced configuration entity in the configuration files of the module.

Solution: Check your configuration files. The Paths have to match with the xLocate root folder.


Description: Map license is invalid or no map has been licensed at all.

Possible cause:

  • There is no license.ptv file in the xLocate root folder.
  • The license has expired.
  • The host list is invalid.


  • Copy a valid license.ptv file to the xLocate root folder.
  • Use the PTV xServer Management Console to check the expiry date and host list.

Description: Parameterization is invalid. Not used yet/anymore.

Possible cause:

  • None.


  • None.

Description: The result list exceeded the maximum length.

Possible cause:

  • The xLocate search engine found more results than configured in your configuration.


  • Precise your search request.
  • Increase the maximum result count in your configuration files.


Description: There is no address input data.

Possible cause:

  • The requested address object is null or empty.


  • Add the request address data to the request.

Description: There is no location input data.

Possible cause:

  • The requested location or coordinate object is null or empty.


  • Add a coordinate to the request.

Description: The location coordinates are invalid.


Description: There user has stopped the request.


Enumeration of legal values for a field classification of the address candidate. The classification of a field is based on the quality of the match. For each address candidate you can get this classification by requesting it with the ResultField

Detailed description of partially exact classification:

Examples for the Characteristics used for partially exact classification:

Enumerator Name Value Description

No classification is available.


The result field is empty.


The input field is empty.


Not contained in any other classification.


Not contained in superior classifications and when Match quality medium is set.


Not contained in superior classifications and when Match quality high is set.


See the description in the characteristics table.


The fields Postalcode and Housenr have to match exact. The fields City/City2 and street have to match exact and the input is the prefix of the result.


Enumerator Name Value Description

Specifies the result language. If a candiate has specific aliases, they will be returned in this language. Legal values are the ISO3 language codes. This feature is not yet supported by the xLocate POI Engine.


The maximum number of returned candidates.


The type of country code used for POI geocoding. Legal values are non negative integer values:

  • 0 - country code (number)
  • 1 - ISO2
  • 2 - ISO3
  • 3 - country code plate


Enumeration of legal values for the result field of the engine.

Enumerator Name Value Description

The country code of the result.

Supported by:


The state code of the result.

Supported by:


The administrative region and administrative address supplement respectively.

Supported by:


The city of the result.

Supported by:

CITY2 None

The city district of the result.

Supported by:


The postcode of the result.

Supported by:


The street of the result.

Supported by:


The house number of the result. May be returned as an interpolated house number.

Supported by:


The x-coordinate of the found candidate converted to PTV_GEODECIMAL.

Supported by:


The y-coordinate of the found candidate converted to PTV_GEODECIMAL.

Supported by:


Information about the data level on which the match was made. DETAILLEVEL is a non negative integer, see DetailLevelDescription for possible values.

Supported by:


Same as DETAILLEVEL, in a readable form.

Supported by:


City population as specified by the data provider.

Number of inhabitants for the POPULATION value:

  • 0: unknown
  • 1: < 100
  • 2: 100 - < 200
  • 3: 200 - < 500
  • 4: 500 - < 1,000
  • 5: 1,000 - < 2,000
  • 6: 2,000 - < 3,000
  • 7: 3,000 - < 5,000
  • 8: 5,000 - < 10,000
  • 9: 10,000 - < 20,000
  • 10: 20,000 - < 50,000
  • 11: 50,000 - < 100,000
  • 12: 100,000 - < 250,000
  • 13: 250,000 - < 500,000
  • 14: >= 500,000

Supported by:


Extension class as specified by the data provider.

Supported by:


City level as specified by the data provider.

Supported by:


For internal use only. This flag indicates if a name exists for the city district (= true) or if the city district is made up only by its postcode (= false).

Supported by:


ISO2 code of the country.

Supported by:


ISO3 code of the country.

Supported by:


Code on the country code plate.

Supported by:


Dialing code of the country.

Supported by:


Capital of the country.

Supported by:


The name of the country.

Supported by:


For internal use only. Indicates the side of the road where the house number is located.

Supported by:


For internal use only. Specifies how the house number is structured (for example numeric / alphanumeric).

Supported by:


For internal use only. Specifies how the house number is structured (for example numeric / alphanumeric).

Supported by:


For internal use only. Specifies how the house number is structured (for example numeric / alphanumeric).

Supported by:


The appendix of the address.

Supported by:


The Score indicating the overall quality of the address candidate.

Supported by:


The penalties that apply to the address candidate.

Supported by:


For internal use only. Indicates how the city was found. Legal values are non negative integers:

  • 0 - Undefined
  • 1 - BinarySearch
  • 2 - PhoneticSearch
  • 4 - FuzzySearch
  • 8 - FilledByAddToResultList
  • 32 - RetrievedByGetData
  • 64 - GetAll
  • 128 - Retrieve

Supported by:


For internal use only. Indicates how the city district was found. Legal values are non negative integers:

  • 0 - Undefined
  • 1 - BinarySearch
  • 2 - PhoneticSearch
  • 4 - FuzzySearch
  • 8 - FilledByAddToResultList
  • 32 - RetrievedByGetData
  • 64 - GetAll
  • 128 - Retrieve

Supported by:


For internal use only. Indicates how the postcode was found. Legal values are non negative integers:

  • 0 - Undefined
  • 1 - BinarySearch
  • 2 - PhoneticSearch
  • 4 - FuzzySearch
  • 8 - FilledByAddToResultList
  • 32 - RetrievedByGetData
  • 64 - GetAll
  • 128 - Retrieve

Supported by:


For internal use only. Indicates how the street was found. Legal values are non negative integers:

  • 0 - Undefined
  • 1 - BinarySearch
  • 2 - PhoneticSearch
  • 4 - FuzzySearch
  • 8 - FilledByAddToResultList
  • 32 - RetrievedByGetData
  • 64 - GetAll
  • 128 - Retrieve

Supported by:


Classifies the address candidate based on the quality of the match. CLASSIFICATION is a non negative integer, see ClassificationDescription for possible values.

Supported by:


Same as CLASSIFICATION, in a readable form.

Supported by:


As of  xLocate version 1.17 the value is always 0.

Supported by:


Additional POI Information, for example website of the POI.

Supported by:


Phone number of the POI.

Supported by:












The segment ID of the data provider (e.g. HERE). This feature only works on street level, additional ID mapping data has to be installed.

Supported by:


The country where the segment belongs to. This feature only works on street level, additional ID mapping data has to be installed.

Supported by:


The digitalization direction of the segment in the map data. This information is needed for some xMap and xRoute usecases. This feature only works on street level, additional ID mapping data has to be installed.

Supported by:

XYN None

A LINESTRINGXYN(country tile x y n) that represents the start and end node of the linked segment in the roadnetwork by its geographical xyn-position.

Supported by:


The name of a point of interest.

Supported by:


A numeric value that specifies the POI category. For detailed information see: PTV POI types.

Supported by:


Classifies the address candidate based on the quality of the match. This value is the extended version of the ResultField CLASSIFICATION.

ADDRESS_CLASSIFICATION includes the classification of the complete result address. Based on the characteristics and classification of each field of the address.

ADDRESS_CLASSIFICATION is a non negative integer, see ADDRESS_CLASSIFICATION_DESCRIPTION for possible values.

Supported by:


Same as ADDRESS_CLASSIFICATION, in a readable form.

Supported by:


Classifies the postcode field of the address candidate based on the quality of the match. POSTCODE_CLASSIFICATION is a non negative integer, see FieldClassificationDescription for possible values.

Supported by:


Classifies the city and city2 field of the address candidate based on the quality of the match. TOWN_CLASSIFICATION is a non negative integer, see FieldClassificationDescription for possible values.

Supported by:


Classifies the street field of the address candidate based on the quality of the match. STREET_CLASSIFICATION is a non negative integer, see FieldClassificationDescription for possible values.

Supported by:


Classifies the housenumber field of the address candidate based on the quality of the match. HOUSENR_CLASSIFICATION is a non negative integer, see FieldClassificationDescription for possible values.

Supported by:


The postcode characteristics. See Characterization bitfields description for further information.

Supported by:


The town characteristics. See Characterization bitfields description for further information.

Supported by:


The street characteristics. See Characterization bitfields description for further information.

Supported by:


The housenr characteristics. See Characterization bitfields description for further information.

Supported by:


The words, which are not used for the search. For example the search "Wellenstein Rue de la Moselle xyz" has "xyz" as unmatched words because this word does not exist as a street in Wellenstein.


Supported by:


The number of unmatched words for the search with the method findAddressByText(). See also UNMATCHED_WORDS.

Supported by:


The reference x-coordinate of the street converted to PTV_GEODECIMAL. -1 if the result DetailLevel is lower than STREET.

Supported by:


The reference y-coordinate of the street converted to PTV_GEODECIMAL. 1 -if the result DetailLevel is lower than STREET.

Supported by:


The reference x-coordinate of the admin region converted to PTV_GEODECIMAL.

Supported by:


The reference y-coordinate of the admin region converted to PTV_GEODECIMAL.

Supported by:


The tile local n-coordinate of the found combined transport end physical node.

Supported by:


The tile local x-coordinate of the found combined transport end physical node.

Supported by:


sThe tile local x-coordinate of the found combined transport end physical node

Supported by:


The tile y-coordinate in smart units of the found combined transport end physical node.

Supported by:


The tile x-coordinate in smart units of the found combined transport end physical node.

Supported by:


The country code of the start location as ptv number.

Supported by:


The tile local n-coordinate of the found combined transport start physical node.

Supported by:


The tile local y-coordinate of the found combined transport start physical node.

Supported by:


The tile local x-coordinate of the found combined transport start physical node.

Supported by:


The tile y-coordinate in smart units of the found combined transport end physical node.

Supported by:


The tile x-coordinate in smart units of the found combined transport end physical node.

Supported by:


The country code of the start location as ptv number.

Supported by:


If true, the combined transport is blocked for pedestrians. Legal values are true and false.

Supported by:


If true, the combined transport is blocked for bicycles. Legal values are true and false.

Supported by:


If true, the combined transport is blocked for motor cycles. Legal values are true and false.

Supported by:


If true, the combined transport is blocked for cars. Legal values are true and false.

Supported by:


If true, the combined transport is blocked for vans. Legal values are true and false.

Supported by:


If true, the combined transport is blocked for camper. Legal values are true and false.

Supported by:


If true, the combined transport is blocked for buses. Legal values are true and false.

Supported by:


If true, the combined transport is blocked for combustible good transports. Legal values are true and false.

Supported by:


If true, the combined transport is blocked for combustible good transports. Legal values are true and false.

Supported by:


If true, the combined transport is blocked for trucks. Legal values are true and false.

Supported by:


Indicates, that the result candidate has no city center point in the map data. Legal values are non negative integers:

Supported by:


City display level as specified by the data provider.

Supported by:


Street number as specified by the data provider.

Supported by:


Indicates the side of the road where the house number is located.

  • 0 means, it is the same side as the query coordinate was.
  • 1 means, there are no houseNumbers at the same side, thus the returned one is from the opposite side.
  • 2 means that no specification could be given. This could be, because the query coordinate is very near to the street, or because no house number is returned, at all.

Supported by:


Represents the second highest administrative level below the country. This data is not available for all maps and countries

Supported by:


Enumeration of legal values for search parameters.

Enumerator Name Value Description

Type of country code to return when reverse geocoding. Legal values are non negative integer values:

  • 0 - Country name
  • 1 - ISO2
  • 2 - ISO3
  • 3 - country code plate
  • 4 - dialing code

Specifies the result langauge. If a candiate has specific aliases, they will be returned in this language. Legal values are the ISO 639-2 language codes.


Tolerance for reverse geocoding. The reference is the best matching candidate; all other candidates that are within a certain distance are also returned. The search will be tolerant for value greater than 100 (= 100%). As an example, a value of 200 will return all candidates with a maximum distance twice of the best matching candidate.

Any value less or equal than 100 switches off the tolerance mode. Instead the engine will try to find as many candidates as set by ENGINE_TARGETSIZE.


The reverse geocode engine tries to find up to TargetSize candidates. This parameter is of type integer.


Specifies the way how xLocate will filter the reverse locating results. Possible values:

  • 0 - filters nothing
  • 1 - filters results where the street has no name
  • 2 - filters streets without a name and duplicate street results.

The distance to search for results, measured in meters. Special value is -1 for searching only the next result. The default value is -1.


The detail level to search for. Two values are supported:

  • 0 - detail level street.
  • 1 - detail level city.

Sets the minimal population a city must have to be returned on search detail level city. Legal values:

  • 0:  no filter
  • 1:  return all results < 100
  • 2:  100 - < 200
  • 3:  200 - < 500
  • 4:  500 - < 1,000
  • 5:  1,000 - < 2,000
  • 6:  2,000 - < 3,000
  • 7:  3,000 - < 5,000
  • 8:  5,000 - < 10,000
  • 9:  10,000 - < 20,000
  • 10: 20,000 - < 50,000
  • 11: 50,000 - < 100,000
  • 12: 100,000 - < 250,000
  • 13: 250,000 - < 500,000
  • 14: >= 500,000


Specifies the minimum size of the result list. If for instance the minimum size is set to 1 and no results are found within a given search distance, then the search will be continued with a larger search range until a result is found.
This parameter is of type integer.


If true, all results with exactly the same distance will be returned even if the target size is exceeded. For instance the target size is 5 and the results at positions 4 to 7 in the result list have the same distance. Then all seven results will be returned. The list will be truncated to five otherwise.
This parameter is of type boolean.


Enumeration of legal values for search parameters.

Enumerator Name Value Description

The type of country code used for geocoding. Legal values are non negative integer values:

  • 0 - Country name
  • 1 - ISO2
  • 2 - ISO3
  • 3 - country code plate
  • 4 - dialing code

If true, binary search is enabled when searching address candidates. This is a parameter of type boolean.


If true, phonetic search is enabled when searching address candidates. This is a parameter of type boolean.


If true, fuzzy search is enabled when searching address candidates. This is a parameter of type boolean.

SWAPANDSPLITMODE None Deprecated as of version 1.17. The search engine will ignore the parameter.

Specifies, where to search for house numbers in the street field. Legal values are non negative integer values:

  • 0 - do not search for house numbers.
  • 1 - search at the beginning.
  • 2 - search at the end.
  • 3 - search at the beginning and at the end.

If true, that all house number ranges are returned. This is a parameter of type boolean.


Specifies the result language. If a candidate has specific aliases, they will be returned in this language. Legal values are the ISO 639-2 language codes.


If true, all city districts are returned. This is a parameter of type boolean.


Deprecated as of version 1.17. The search engine will ignore the parameter.


Specifies if postcodes should be aggregated. This is a parameter of type boolean.


Deprecated as of version 1.17. The search engine will ignore the parameter.


Enable or disable intersection search. This is a parameter of type boolean.


This value describes the distance in meter used to move the coordinates away from streets when interpolating house numbers. This parameter is of type integer.


Limits the number of results.


Specifies one or more separators for the search with the methods findAddressByText() and findObjectByText().The separators can be listed with or without blanks. Not allowed is just a blank as value. A search without a separator is possible.

Supported by:


Enables/Disables address search for the findObjectByText(). This option is enabled by default. Any other function will ignore this setting.


Enables/Disables combined transport search for the findObjectByText(). This option is enabled by default. Any other function will ignore this setting.


Enumeration of legal values for sorting order.

Enumerator Name Value Description

The results are sorted in ascending order.


The results are sorted in descending order.



Thrown if an xLocate server exception such as an invalid request parameter occurs.

Component common





Asynchronous Requests



A bounding box, definded by its left top corner point and right bottom corner point.
Attribute Name Type Description
leftTop Point

The left top corner point.

rightBottom Point

The right bottom corner point.


Extends JobProgress

Default implementation for bulk jobs.
Attribute Name Type Description
remaining int

Specifies how many requests have still to be calculated.

successful int

The number of successful calculations so far.

failed int

The number of failed computations so far.


Extends JobProgress

Implementation of JobProgress for cluster planning.
Attribute Name Type Description
action String

The current action being executed. For more information on progress see About Asynchronous Protocol.

distanceMatrixProgress DistanceMatrixProgress

The progress of the distance matrix calculation, available only if action equals "DistanceMatrix.Calculation".

optimizationProgress OptimizationProgress

The progress of the optimization, available only if action starts with "Optimization.".


Progress information of the currently active distance matrix calculation
Attribute Name Type Description
dimaId int

The unique key to identify the distance matrix currently being calculated.

currentDimaIndex int

The 1-based index of the distance matrix currently being calculated. Depending on the number of different vehicles in the request the number of distance matrices to be calculated can be greater than

lastDimaIndex int

The index of the last distance matrix to be calculated, that is the total number of distance matrices.

currentDistanceMatrixProgress DistanceMatrixProgress

The progress of the distance matrix currently being processed, available only if action equals "DistanceMatrix.Calculation".


Extends JobProgress

Default implementation for distance matrix calculation jobs.
Attribute Name Type Description
currentRowIndex int

The 1-based index of the current row of the current distance matrix being calculated.

lastRowIndex int

The index of the last row of the current distance matrix to be calculated.


Extends EncodedGeometryBase

The abstract base class for geometry objects used in a geographical PTV xServer. Contains the attributes to represent openGIS conform encodings with a specific coordinate format. The actual representation is defined by the CallerContext ResponseGeometry property (GeometryEncoding) and the CallerContext CoordFormat property (CoordFormat).

Attribute Name Type Description
wkb byte[]

If not null, this attribute contains the well-known binary encoded form of the geometry

wkt String

If not null, this attribute contains the well-known text encoded form of the geometry

kml KML

If not null, this attribute contains the well-known text encoded form of the geometry


The abstract base class for geometry objects.
No attributes defined.


Extends EncodedGeometry

A geometry collection as specified by the openGIS standard.
Attribute Name Type Description
geometryCollection PlainGeometryCollection

If not null, this attribute contains the explicit form of the geometry


Progress information of the currently active improvement step of the optimization.
Attribute Name Type Description
availableMachineTime int

The available machine time stated in the request in [s]. This value is 0 if available machine time is not set in the request.

usedMachineTime int

The machine time already used in [s].

iterationIndex int

The index of this iteration. Index 0 denotes the initial plan directly after construction or the input plan.

numberOfImprovements int

The number of improvements the algorithm has already achieved. In other words, this is the number of tour plans with a smaller value of costOfObjectiveFunction than the best one at that time.

currentPlan KeyFigures

The key figures characterizing the current tour plan.

bestPlan KeyFigures

The key figures characterizing the currently best tour plan.

initialPlan KeyFigures

The key figures characterizing the initial tour plan. The initial tour plan is the input plan, if available, or the first tour plan after the construction step.


Reference to jobs running in the background.
Attribute Name Type Description
id String

This id references the background job on the server.

status JobStatus

The current status of the job.

progress JobProgress

The current progress of the job. Can be null at the very beginning or very end of the request execution.

elapsedTime int

Elapsed time since this job has been queued.


Abstract base class for progresses. An individual PTV xServer might define its own implementations.
No attributes defined.


Represents a KML geometry.
Attribute Name Type Description
kml String

The KML string itself.

placemarks String[]

The placemarks of the KML. If empty, all placemarks will be used. This will result in a GeometryCollection, if more than one exists.


These key figures characterize a tour plan.
Attribute Name Type Description
costOfObjectiveFunction int

The optimization aims at minimizing the objective function. This value contains its arithmetical cost.

The significance of this value is not the value itself, but rather if and how fast it decreases during the calculation. The faster the value decreases the better the tour plans become according to the GoalImportance which defines what "better" means, at all.

numberOfScheduledOrders int

The number of orders already being scheduled.

numberOfUnscheduledOrders int

The number of orders not being scheduled, yet. These orders are feasible and can be scheduled during further improvement iterations.

numberOfInfeasibleOrders int

The number of orders not being scheduled. These orders are infeasible and will not be scheduled during further improvement iterations.

numberOfScheduledVehicles int

The number of vehicles being scheduled.

totalTourCount int

The number of all planned tours.

totalTourPeriod int

The sum of the tour periods for all planned tours ([sec]).

totalTourDrivingPeriod int

The sum of the tour driving periods for all planned tours ([sec]).

totalTourWaitingPeriod int

The sum of the tour waiting periods for all planned tours ([sec]).

totalTourDistance int

The sum of the tour distances for all planned tours ([m]).

totalTourCost int

The sum of the tour costs for all planned tours ([MU]). The costs per chain will not be included, see attribute totalChainCosts.

totalChainCost int

The sum of the costs per chain of all planned chains ([MU]). See VehicleCosts.

totalChainPeriod int

The sum of the chain periods of all planned chains ([sec]). The chain period is defined as the period between the start of the first tour and the end of the last tour. This period is greater than the sum of the periods of all tours if two subsequent tours do not start right after the other.


Extends EncodedGeometry

A line string as specified by the openGIS standard.

See EncodedGeometry for possible representations.

Attribute Name Type Description
lineString PlainLineString

If not null, this attribute contains the explicit form of the geometry.

ATTENTION: Filled with requested EncodedGeometry representation (not necessarily a plain geometry).


Extends EncodedGeometry

A linear ring as specified by the openGIS standard.

See EncodedGeometry for possible representations.

Attribute Name Type Description
linearRing PlainLinearRing

If not null, this attribute contains the explicit form of the geometry.

ATTENTION: Filled with requested EncodedGeometry representation (not necessarily a plain geometry).


Extends EncodedGeometry

A multi line string as specified by the openGIS standard.

See EncodedGeometry for possible representations.

Attribute Name Type Description
multiLineString PlainMultiLineString

If not null, this attribute contains the explicit form of the geometry.

ATTENTION: Filled with requested EncodedGeometry representation (not necessarily a plain geometry).


Extends EncodedGeometry

A multi point as specified by the openGIS standard.

See EncodedGeometry for possible representations.

Attribute Name Type Description
multiPoint PlainMultiPoint

If not null, this attribute contains the explicit form of the geometry.

ATTENTION: Filled with requested EncodedGeometry representation (not necessarily a plain geometry).


Extends EncodedGeometry

A multi polygon as specified by the openGIS standard.

See EncodedGeometry for possible representations.

Attribute Name Type Description
multiPolygon PlainMultiPolygon

If not null, this attribute contains the explicit form of the geometry.

ATTENTION: Filled with requested EncodedGeometry representation (not necessarily a plain geometry).


The progress information of the currently active step of the optimization.
Attribute Name Type Description
currentLoopIndex int

The index of the current loop being calculated.

lastLoopIndex int

The index of the last loop being calculated. The calculation will automatically be finished by the algorithm before reaching this index when no improvement could be reached, anymore. The total number of loops can be set for the improvement step, only (see Params).

progress int

The progress in % of the current loop being calculated.


The abstract base class for the structured representation of geometry objects.
No attributes defined.


Extends PlainGeometryBase

A plain structured polygon consisting of a set geometries.
Attribute Name Type Description
geometries PlainGeometryBase[]

The set of geometries making up the geometry collection.


Extends PlainGeometryBase

A plain structured line string consisting of a set of points.

Attribute Name Type Description
points PlainPoint[]

The set of points defining the line string.


Extends PlainGeometryBase

A plain structured linear ring consisting of a set of points

Attribute Name Type Description
points PlainPoint[]

The set of points defining the linear ring.


Extends PlainGeometryBase

A plain structured polygon consisting of a set of line strings.
Attribute Name Type Description
lineStrings PlainLineString[]

The set of line strings making up the multi line string.


Extends PlainGeometryBase

A plain structured polygon consisting of a set of points.
Attribute Name Type Description
points PlainPoint[]

The set of points making up the multi point.


Extends PlainGeometryBase

A plain structured polygon consisting of a set of polygons.
Attribute Name Type Description
polygons PlainPolygon[]

The set of polygons making up the multi polygon.


Extends PlainGeometryBase

A plain structured point consisting of two floating point attributes for the coordinates. In contrast to Point it is never transformed.

Attribute Name Type Description
x double

The x coordinate

y double

The y coordinate

z Double

The z coordinate (optional, only if requested)


Extends PlainGeometryBase

A plain structured polygon consisting of a set of linear rings.

Attribute Name Type Description
linearRings PlainLinearRing[]

The set of linear rings making up the polygon.


Extends JobProgress

Implementation of JobProgress for tour planning.
Attribute Name Type Description
action String

The current action being executed. For more information on progress information see About Asynchronous Protocol.

distanceMatrixCalculationProgress DistanceMatrixCalculationProgress

The progress of the distance matrix calculation, available only if action starts with "DistanceMatrix.".

improvementProgress ImprovementProgress

The progress of the improvement step during the tour plan optimization, available only if action equals "Optimization.Improvement".


Extends EncodedGeometry

Represents a single coordinate (point). Do not use this type for other points (e.g. pixel in an image), the coordinates are automatically transformed. Instead use PlainPoint.

See EncodedGeometry for possible representations.

Attribute Name Type Description
point PlainPoint

If not null, this attribute contains the explicit form of the geometry.

ATTENTION: Filled with requested EncodedGeometry representation (not necessarily a plain geometry).


Extends EncodedGeometry

A polygon as specified by the openGIS standard.

See EncodedGeometry for possible representations.

Attribute Name Type Description
polygon PlainPolygon

If not null, this attribute contains the explicit form of the geometry.

ATTENTION: Filled with requested EncodedGeometry representation (not necessarily a plain geometry).


General options for requests

Attribute Name Type Description
coordFormat CoordFormat

The coordinate format used in the request/response.

responseGeometry GeometryEncoding[]

The geometry encoding for the response.

profile String

The name of the parameter profile to be used.

profileXMLSnippet String

For internal use only.

srId String

If the coordFormat equals to 'OG_SRID', this attribute contains the Spatial Reference Identifier as specified by the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC), otherwise it is null. All codes of the EPSG Geodetic Parameter Dataset V7.9 maintained by the EPSG.


Extends JobProgress

Implementation of JobProgress for territory planning.

Attribute Name Type Description
action String

The current action being executed. For more information on progress with territory planning see the use case documentation.

distanceMatrixProgress DistanceMatrixProgress

The progress of the distance matrix calculation, available only if action equals "DistanceMatrix.Calculation".

optimizationProgress int

The progress of the optimization, available only if action starts with "TerritoryOptimization.".


This class includes options to control job status and progress updates. All parameters are optional.
Attribute Name Type Description
progressUpdatePeriod Integer

If defined this optional parameter enables additional progress updates with the specified interval. If no new progress update arrives during the specified period, watchJob will wait for and return with the next available progress update. Important updates such as terminal states will always return immediately. The minimum period must be at least 250ms. If no progress waiting period is defined, progress will only be sent as part of status updates.

maximumPollingPeriod Integer

Specifies the timeout after which watchJob will report the last status even if no further updates are available.If not specified a configured default is used.


Extends JobProgress

Attribute Name Type Description
action String

The current action being executed.

optimizationProgress int

The progress of the optimization, available only if action starts with "LoadingSpaceOptimization.".



The CoordFormat enumeration contains all coordinate types supported by the PTV xServer. All examples represent the same geographic location.

Enumerator Name Value Description

OpenGIS representation of WGS 84 coordinates. Example x=8.2505556, y=48.7627778.

PTV_MERCATOR None Mercator projection. Example x=917420, y=6227729.

PTV representation of coordinates by degree, minute, and second. Example x=815020, y=4845460.


PTV representation of WGS 84 coordinates. Example x=825056, y=4876278.


PTV representation of conform coordinates. Example x=1672358, y=1620743.


PTV representation of super-conform coordinates. Example x=5072358, y=3320743.


PTV internal coordinate format. Example x=4352286, y=5456405.


This format is set implicitly, if a Spatial Reference Identifier as specified by the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) is set in the CallerContext. All codes of the EPSG Geodetic Parameter Dataset V7.9 maintained by the EPSG..
Note: The coordinate format 'OG_GEODECIMAL' and the SRID code 'EPSG:4326' are equivalent.


Enumerator Name Value Description

The specified WKT in the request is invalid. It should a well-known text representation of a geometry from a string (see the OpenGIS simple features specification).


The specified WKB in the request is invalid. It should be a geometry from a byte stream in well-known binary format.


The specified KML in the request is invalid.


Thrown, if requested placemark name is not found in the KML


One or more geometry objects in the request are invalid. There are problems to convert a geometry object to a plain geometry object. Also used for retrieving the plain geometry object from a geometry object.


There are problems to convert a CoordFormat of the request to a coordinate type.


Geometry objects cannot be encoded.


Defines encoding options for geometry parameters and results.

Plain indicates that geometry objects should be transmitted in plain object form, WKB indicates that openGIS well-known binary format should be used, WKT represents the openGIS well-known text format. KML represents the Keyhole Markup Language.

Enumerator Name Value Description

Plain geometry encoding using structured objects and according network presentation.

WKB None

Geometry should be represented by well-known binaries.

WKT None

Use well-known texts to encode geometry objects.

KML None

Use Keyhole Markup Language to encode geometry objects.


Specifies different job status values.
Enumerator Name Value Description

Job has been enqueued.


Job is currently running.


Stop has been requested, the job will terminate its calculation as soon as possible.


Job has completed successfully.


Job has failed with an exception.


The job was deleted by the user.


The job is in an unknown state. For example a given id is unknown or the job has already been fetched and has thus been deleted from the underlying persistent store.



XServiceException is used for all exceptions which can occur in the PTV xServer framework.

SystemException (from package com.ptvag.jabba.core.exception)

This is the base class for all system relevant exceptions. It is thrown for example if a request has timed out or if a request has been rejected.