Number | Description |
-1000 | Unknown error. |
-1001 | Version mismatch. |
-1002 | Not yet implemented. |
-1003 | Requested file does not exist. |
-1005 | Cannot modify (read-only or wrong version). |
-1006 | There is no MetaInfo available. |
-1007 | There is no StringList available. |
-1008 | The file is not open. |
-1009 | Error while reading file frame. |
-1010 | File is too small. |
-1011 | Too many sections in this frame. |
-1012 | Section does already exist. |
-1013 | Section does not exist. |
-1014 | Section is too small. |
-1015 | Tile is too large. |
-1016 | There is an error in the set format of the tile. |
-1017 | There is no such tile in this file. |
-1018 | No space for a new tile entry in the TileSet. |
-1019 | The tile does already exist. |
-1020 | TileLinkVector encountered a wrong data format. |
-1021 | The requested element was not found. |
-1023 | The object is already open. |
-1024 | Could not determine sizes of file sections. |
-1025 | Give some memory to the TileSet using SetMemory(). |
-1026 | FileSection cannot be shared among tilesets. |
-1027 | Problem in desc vector format. |
-1028 | CachePointer was not initialized before access. |
-1029 | CachePointer was not uninitialized before initializing again. |
-1030 | CachePointer is already locked, you cannot lock it twice. |
-1031 | CachePointer has to be unlocked first. |
-1032 | CachePointer was not locked. |
-1033 | CachePointer is bigger than blocksize of a cachebuffer. |
-1034 | Could not remap the file. |
-1035 | Could not allocate memory. |
-1036 | The object was not found. |
-1037 | The requested read size was larger than the cache buffer. |
-1038 | Could not open file. |
-1039 | fseek() failed. |
-1040 | fwrite() failed. |
-1041 | fread() failed. |
-1042 | File cannot be closed because of still opened buffers. |
-1043 | EOF condition, there is no current record. |
-1044 | Invalid map file name. |
-1045 | Could not read header file. |
-1046 | Could not read colidx file. |
-1047 | Could not read tileidx file. |
-1048 | Could not open tileidx file. |
-1049 | Could not read tile data file. |
-1050 | Could not open tile data file. |
-1051 | Could not initialize marked tile set. |
-1052 | Could not obtain header information from server. |
-1053 | Could not insert tile. |
-1054 | Could not write header file to disk. |
-1055 | Could not write colidx file to disk. |
-1056 | Could not write lv file to disk. |
-1057 | Could not write tile file to disk. |
-1058 | Could not write tidx file to disk. |
-1059 | Received malformed tile response from server. |
-1060 | Received malformed head response from server. |
-1061 | Could not open *.gcd file. |
-1062 | Could not open *.lv1 file. |
-1063 | The format of the tile data is wrong. |
-1064 | There is no such AddressLink. |
-1065 | Received invalid header from server. |
-1066 | Received invalid data format, maybe connected to wrong server, try to reopen the current website. |
-1067 | Data has just been updated on the server, please shut down all your browser windows and reopen the current website. |
-1068 | Area in GlobalInfo does not exist. |
-1069 | The file size is less than indicated in FileFrame. Has the file been truncated? |
-1070 | No region alias information available (might be wrong or a not available type). |
-1071 | The tile category is invalid. The valid range must be supplied as params[pkTileCategories] during TileSet::Create(). |
-1072 | The tile category must be ordered ascending. |
-1073 | There is no language associated for the string. |
-1074 | LanguageIndex is already used in string. |
-1075 | Could not evaluate cache directory. |
-1076 | String is too long. |
-1077 | Writing not possible, because file is marked as read-only. |
-1078 | File is not empty, but an initial filling is started. |
-1079 | Internal for communication between base/sub-classes when Access() requires opening (or Unaccess() closing). |
-1080 | The BlockID is invalid. The 0 is not valid . The ranges can either be positive or negative but not 0. |
-1081 | Limit reached (e.g. in CPreloadJob::Execute(). |
-1082 | This section is not used here. |
-1083 | The parameter is out of range. |
-1084 | Could not open *.gcx file. |
-1085 | Could not read buffer. |
-1086 | Searching for an object returned no element. |
-1087 | Categories passed to InitializeWithDescTiles() and InitializedWithTiles() do not match. |
-1088 | CGeoSearch cannot perform this search. |
-1089 | Refcounting problem, refcount is negative. |
-1090 | Language already exists or is defined twice. |
-1091 | Error while reading or writing because of inconsistent data types. |
-1092 | Wrong method, because data does not fit in intern data type. (Look for your provided values.) |
-1093 | Key-value format is invalid. |
-1094 | Value could not be read, but readerhelper was advanced correctly. |
-1095 | Model record is unknown or could not be determined. |
-1096 | Encoding mode not known by current version of CWriterHelper. |
-1097 | Attribute encoding mode not known by current version of CWriterHelper. |
-1098 | Could not write to buffer. |
-1099 | No vector elements to process. |
-1100 | Attribute number unknown |
-1101 | End of the tile is reached. |
-1102 | The data is invalid or corrupt. |
-1103 | The object does already exist. |
-1104 | The request did not contain enough international teleporters. |
-1105 | The traced ferry polygon has a crossing. |
-1106 | Searching for town country id in overview (LV6+LV7) returned no element. |
-1107 | The string has been truncated. |
-1108 | Invalid key in ParameterInterface. |
-1109 | Invalid value in ParameterInterface. |
-1110 | Invalid filter in ParameterInterface. |
-1111 | The object is not set/initialized : old map/data version |
-1112 | The traced ferry polygon contains a loop. |
-1120 | The parameter is null. |
-1999 | An unknown error of general purpose. |
-4000 | Unspecified error. |
-4001 | Another DataAccessManager has already been set. |
-4010 | The handle is invalid. |
-4011 | Too many instances of the locating engine have already been created. |
-4012 | The database does not exist. |
-4013 | The database could not be opened. |
-4014 | The database handle is invalid. |
-4015 | The maximum number of databases has been reached. |
-4016 | The specified parameter set is invalid. |
-4017 | The specified parameter is read-only. |
-4018 | The specified parameter is invalid. |
-4019 | An error occurred while reading or parsing the profile. |
-4020 | No database has been set. |
-4021 | The specified address input mode is not supported. |
-4022 | The passed AddressField is not valid. |
-4100 | General error. |
-4101 | An exception was thrown. |
-4110 | Function not implemented. |
-4111 | Feature not supported. |
-4112 | Something has not been initialized. |
-4150 | The set time limit for a search has been exceeded. The result list is incomplete. |
-4200 | Error accessing a file. |
-4201 | The seek operation failed. |
-4202 | The write operation failed. |
-4203 | The open operation failed. |
-4204 | The read operation failed. |
-4205 | The record size of the file does not match the size of the structure. |
-4206 | The sizes of the file do not match. |
-4207 | The header size of the file does not match. |
-4208 | The header extension size of the file does not match. |
-4209 | The file has a wrong identifier. |
-4210 | The write operation failed due to read-only protection. |
-4211 | Bad block size. |
-4212 | Bad block order. |
-4213 | Bad buffer index - either too small or too high. |
-4214 | The file does not exist. |
-4215 | The file is not open. |
-4216 | The header is empty. |
-4217 | The header extension is empty. |
-4218 | The create operation failed. |
-4219 | Incompatible (i.e. older or newer) file format. |
-4300 | Error accessing GeoAccess. |
-4400 | Unspecified error in GeocoderDb occured. |
-4401 | End of Records - Tried to access a record after the last one. |
-4402 | DataLevel index was not initialized. |
-4403 | Connector was not initialized. |
-4500 | Unspecified error while locating. |
-4501 | PrioQueue contains no further tasks. |
-4502 | The task type is invalid or not allowed in this context. |
-4503 | The specified compare method is not allowed in this context. |
-4504 | The set penalty caused this task to be ignored. |
-4600 | No SearchResultList is attached to the ResultList |
-4601 | The length of the ResultList has been exceeded. |
-4602 | The index for the result entry is invalid. |
-4603 | The ResultList is empty. |
-4699 | Removing Result. |
-4700 | The entry is already stored in the dictionary. |
-4781 | Error using the Loxane phonetic preprocessor. |
-4800 | The specified language is not available. |
-4900 | The input street does not contain a housenumber. |
-4901 | The house number could not be interpolated. |
-4950 | No file open. |
-4951 | Filetype not supported. |
-4952 | Filename-Extension does not match with format. |
-4953 | Format does not support the current version. |
-4954 | Invalid source. |
-4955 | Need Buffer. |
-4956 | File does not exist. |
-4957 | Could not read file. |
-4958 | Could not write file. |
-4959 | Could not parse XML-file. |
-4960 | Key not present. |
-4961 | Key already assigned. |
-4980 | AddressQuery contains invalid RequestAddressParameter. |
-4981 | AddressQuery contains invalid RequestSettingsParameter. |
-4982 | AddressQuery contains invalid RequestAddress- and RequestSettings-Parameters. |
-4983 | Invalid Path of Profile.xml |
-4990 | Error getting/setting value from/in gpGeocoder. |
-4991 | Could not get ParamList from gpGeocoder. |
-4992 | Could not get value from gpGeocoder. |
-4993 | Could not set value in gpGeocoder. |
-6000 | Map path does not exist. |
-6010 | Unspecified reverse locating error. |
-6020 | The Reverse Locating Engine handle is invalid. |
-6025 | No description available. |
-6030 | Too many instances of the Reverse Locating Engine already have been created. |
-6040 | Failed to open Locating Engine data. |
-6050 | Failed to open Routing Engine data. |
-6060 | No description available. |
-6065 | No description available. |
-6070 | No description available. |
-6100 | Internal Data Access error. |
-6150 | A timeout occurred. The nearest results to the query point found so far are delivered. |
-6200 | Internal LocatingDB error. |
-6215 | No description available. |
-6300 | Invalid Link request. |
-6350 | Invalid Link response. |
-6360 | No description available. |
-6401 | No description available. |
-8000 | |
-8001 | |
-8002 | |
-8003 | The feature has not been implemented yet. |
-8004 | Internal error of initialization. |
-8005 | The request is not handle by the engines. |
-8006 | A pointer is null but it shouldn't. |
-8007 | Internal error, the index is out of the available range. |
-8008 | Not enough memory: a dynamic allocation failed. |
-8009 | All the memory can't be allocated due to a lack of available memory. |
-8010 | The path is empty. |
-8011 | The path is not valid. |
-8012 | The file is not found. Check the file path. |
-8013 | The country code asked by the client doesn't exist in the data. |
-8014 | The country code is invalid. The country code doesn't correspond to any country. |
-8015 | There is no country code available in the data. |
-8016 | The format of the theme definition file is invalid. Check that the xsd validation is activated and check if the file is correctly configured. See here for more details |
-8017 | A mandatory tag in missing the XML file. |
-8018 | A mandatory attribute is missing in the XML file. |
-8019 | The attribute value is wrong. Check the possible values. |
-8020 | Some data can't be load from the binary file. |
-8021 | The property can't be found. |
-8022 | The file can't be opened. Check that the path is correct or that the file is not already opened. |
-8023 | The file can't be deleted. Check that the path is correct or that the file is not already opened. |
-8024 | The layer can't be renamed. Check that the layer is not already opened. |
-8025 | The path is empty. |
-8026 | Data from the binary layer can't be read. |
-8027 | The feature layer base can't write the binary file due to some reasons. Check the detail message error to know what is the problem. |
-8028 | The number of segments is invalid. |
-8029 | The transport system is not valid. Should no longer appear. |
-8030 | The grid level is not valid. |
-8031 | The consideration time is not valid. |
-8032 | The theme is not enabled. |
-8033 | One of the conditions is not valid. |
-8034 | The property definition to enable doesn't exists. |
-8207 | Coordinates of the segment are outside the World MBR or coordinates are invalids (i.e a from point or to point to 0). |
-8213 | The generator can't compute the layer's MBR. Check the grid level for features sent. |
-8247 | Can't create a time slot that goes further than 86400 seconds. |
-8248 | Error while checking pattern over times. There must be 7 patterns for week days. |
-8300 | Deprecated. |
-8301 | Deprecated. |
-8302 | Deprecated. |
-8303 | There is no geometry available. |
-8304 | There is no feature available. |
-8305 | There is no additional information available for the segment. |
-8400 | The data files can't be located from the path. |
-8401 | The property is mapped to an invalid connection. |
-8402 | Not used. |
-8403 | There is a failure when getting dynamic exceptions. |
-8404 | There is no data available for the specified segment. |
-8405 | A layer requires the TimeZones but the TimeZones layer is missing. |
-8500 | Invalid calendar time. |
-8501 | There is no time window for the specified time domain. |
-8502 | There is not enough time windows for the predefined time domain type. |
-8503 | There is too much time windows relative to the detected time domain type. |
-8504 | Invalid format for the GDF time domain. Check the syntax of the expression. |
-8505 | Negative sharp time term is not implemented yet. |
-8506 | Fuzzy sharp time terms are not supported yet. |
-8507 | Sharp time terms for the day expression are not valid. |
-8508 | The time domain contains an ending date which can not be handled by the time domain parser. |
-8509 | Negative starting date is not implemented yet. |
-8510 | Square brackets are mandatory. |
-8511 | The format is invalid. The time domain contains multiple sharp time terms. |
-8512 | Invalid sharp time term. |
-8513 | Duration as ending date are not supported yet. |
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