Technical Concepts > About Profiles > Profile & Map Versions

About Profile & Map Versions


The version information of the stored profile are automatically compared to the map version. PTV xServer refuses to start if mismatches are detected.

Detailed Consideration

Starting with the PTV North America Map 2018 the PTV maps will receive changes in their initial speed values to provide more realistic travel times. Therefore, a new parameter called dataCompatibilityVersion was introduced in the map meta data and also in the stored profile. If the value from the stored profile and map data differ, the PTV xServer won’t start and leave a regarding message in the log file:

The profile <profile>.xml does not match the map, its dataCompatibilityVersion is 1, but the map requires version 2.

The zip archive with the new profiles must be extracted to the conf/profiles folder of your PTV xServer. Please contact your PTV representative for further information.

For details about which map requires which version of profiles, check the table below.

Map Name Data Compatibility Version
PTV Europe City Map Premium 2018.1H 1
PTV Europe City Map Premium 2018.1T 1
PTV Australia City Map 2018 2
PTV Arabia City Map 2018 2
PTV India City Map 2018 2
PTV North America City Map 2018 2
PTV South America City Map 2018 2
PTV Europe City Map Premium 2018.2H 1
PTV Europe City Map Premium 2018.2T 1
PTV India City Map 2019 2
PTV Australia City Map 2019 2
PTV Arabia City Map 2019 2
PTV Europe City Map Premium 2019.1H 2
PTV Europe City Map Premium 2019.1T 2
PTV North America City Map 2019 2
PTV South America City Map 2019 2

Maps outside of Europe with "2018" in the map name require the new profile version 2. For European maps these adjustments will follow starting with the 2019.1 maps.