Administrator's Guide > Installation and Configuration > Quickstart


To install and start a PTV xServer on your local machine please proceed with the following steps.

Server Delivery Package

PTV xServer software comes bundled in a compressed archive. Simply extract the content to a designated folder. We suggest to use a path such as D:\xRoute for windows, or /opt/xRoute for Linux systems. Make sure that the current user is granted read, write and execute permission for the whole folder.

License File

A PTV xServer requires a valid license.ptv file to start and use certain features. Copy it into the top level of your designated folder. If you need a new license file, please contact your PTV sales representative.

Java Installation

A PTV xServer requires a 64-bit Java 8 installation. Furthermore the environment variable JAVA_HOME has to point to the location of the Java installation (the directory containing the bin directory). If you do not want to change the value of the JAVA_HOME variable, you can use the environment variable XSERVER1_JAVA_HOME.

Batch Files

A PTV xServer comes with a set of batch-files that can be used to run the servers either from a console (command prompt) or as a service.

Smoke Testing

After installing the server and deploying the license file, make sure your installation is correct:

  1. Start the server from the console. Wait for the message that reads "server started in ... ms".

  2. Start a browser and open http://localhost:port. The default port depends on the PTV xServer type; the port used is also listed at the very beginning of the console output. You should now see the PTV xServer Management Console page.

  3. Follow the link to the Raw Request Runner. Select a sample request from the request selector and send the request. You should see the response message as well as the HTTP status code, which should be a 200.

  4. Go to the console you started the server from and shut down the server with CTRL-C.

Next Steps

PTV xServer can be configured in many ways and lots of additional geographical content can be installed. Please refer to the other chapters in the Administrator's Guide to learn more about your options.