Administrator's Guide > Installation and Configuration > Server Configuration

Server Configuration

Web Application Server Configuration

Since the present implementation of the PTV xServer use the Tomcat Web Application Server, there are a lot of options available. However, it is highly recommended not to touch most of these settings, unless you are an expert and know how PTV xServer interact with the Tomcat server on a technical level.

Port Configuration

PTV xServer come with default port settings that can often be used as is, but sometimes may have to be changed. The following sections explain the details.

Default Port Numbering Schema

Default PTV xServer ports follow a numbering schema. All PTV xServer have the prefix 500, followed by an PTV xServer-specific digit and a functional digit. See the tables below for a list of default values.

Port Server
5000x PTV xServer bundle
5001x PTV xMap Server
5002x PTV xLocate Server
5003x PTV xRoute Server
5004x PTV xMapmatch Server
5005x PTV xLoad Server
5006x PTV xTerritory Server
5007x PTV xDima Server
5008x PTV xCluster Server
5009x PTV xTour Server
Port Function
50xx0 HTTP requests
50xx1 Alive
50xx2 HTTPS requests
50xx3 Tomcat shutdown
50xx6 Derby database (not all PTV xServer)

Changing Default Ports

If you want or need to change the port configuration, modify the following files.

Of course, you usually also need to update configuration of all client programs you need.

Preventing Conflicts with Dynamically Assigned Ports

Port conflicts may arise with applications that let the operating system chose a port (e.g. specifying port "0" may have this effect) and thus randomly block ports that PTV xServer would need. This conflict cause is usually restricted to development systems with frequently starting applications (certain virus scanners are known for this) and frequently restarted PTV xServer. Also, Windows systems meanwhile have a dynamic port range that includes the 500xx range.

There are two good options to prevent this type of port conflicts: Either change PTV xServer port defaults as documented above, or adjust the dynamic port range of your system.

To adjust the dynamic port range for Windows, use the netsh shell command with administration rights:

netsh int ipv4 set dynamicportrange tcp 50200 15336
netsh int ipv4 set dynamicportrange udp 50200 15336
netsh int ipv6 set dynamicportrange tcp 50200 15336
netsh int ipv6 set dynamicportrange udp 50200 15336

To activate these settings automatically at boot time, save the following lines as file netsh.reg and run it:

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
"netsh-ipv4-tcp"="C:\\Windows\\system32\\netsh int ipv4 set dynamicportrange tcp 50200 15336"
"netsh-ipv4-udp"="C:\\Windows\\system32\\netsh int ipv4 set dynamicportrange udp 50200 15336"
"netsh-ipv6-tcp"="C:\\Windows\\system32\\netsh int ipv6 set dynamicportrange tcp 50200 15336"
"netsh-ipv6-udp"="C:\\Windows\\system32\\netsh int ipv6 set dynamicportrange udp 50200 15336"

To adjust the dynamic port range for Linux, modify the entries in the following files:


User Authentication with HTTP Basic Authentication

User authentication is one scenario where you might want to use Tomcat features. PTV xServer are not designed to provide access control services and protection against illegal access. PTV xServer has two ways to configure user authentication with HTTP Basic Authentication:

Activate HTTP Basic Authentication with standard Tomcat features

If you need to set up a more secured environment, you can make use of the enhanced authentication techniques coming with the web server, e.g. if you need to combine the mechanism with something like LDAP services.

The configuration is already provided in the xServer files conf/server.xmlconf/tomcat-users.xml and webapps/<modulename>/WEB-INF/web.xml.

Caution: The configuration is only a sample and is not designed for large-scale production use.

To activate change the following files:

Activate HTTPS

The https connector configuration is already provided in the PtvXServerService section of the server.xml configuration file. It can be enabled by simply uncommenting it and restarting the PTV xServer to apply these changes.

The configuration uses a preconfigured java keystore xserver.jks with a self signed certificate for localhost:

<Connector port="50002" protocol="org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11NioProtocol"
	   maxThreads="150" SSLEnabled="true"  disableUploadTimeout="true" compression="on" compressionMinSize="500"
		<Certificate certificateKeystoreFile="conf/xserver.jks"
					 type="RSA" />

In this case or using your own self-signed certificate you have to make client Java VMs approve the server certificate as described in this blog entry.

If you have a certificate signed by an official certificate authority you can import it to this keystore using the java keytool as described in How to Import a .cer Certificate Into a Java KeyStore. The keystore password is changeit and the required alias is tomcat. Please restart the PTV xServer after importing the certificate.

For further details of the Apache Tomcat HTTPS configuration see SSL/TLS Configuration How-To.

Deactivate SOAP/JSON Services

Both SOAP and JSON services are activated by default. Each service can be deactivated separately if needed. To deactivate a service, comment out the complete SOAP/JSON sections in webapps/<modulename>/WEB-INF/web.xml; each section includes a servlet element, a servlet-mapping element and one or two filter-mapping elements.

CORS Support

CORS (Cross Origin Resource Sharing) is activated by default for the JSON endpoints.

By default, all origins are allowed. Should you wish to restrict CORS access to certain origins only, or need to use custom request header types, you can modify the settings in the CORS section of webapps/<modulename>/WEB-INF/web.xml.

To deactivate CORS entirely, comment out the complete section; the section includes a filter-mapping with filter-name CORS.

PTV xServer Properties File

The file contains core parameters that control the server behaviour. Typically, you will not need to change any of those since they have been optimised for best reliability and performance.

key default description
separateModuleProcess true Determines whether the modules are to be run in the same process as the server, or if a separate process should be started for the module.
sequentialStartOfModuleProcesses false Determines whether the modules are to be started sequentially or in parallel.
requestQueueSize 10 maximum number of allowed parallel (queued) requests within the server at one time.
memoryStatsInterval 1000 update memory info every <n> ms (-1 means no memory logging)
moduleRestartRetryPeriod 0 Specifies the retry period in seconds to restart a module. 0 means no further restart attempts after first try. A reasonable value is, for example, 300 seconds.
failOnMissingCoordFormat true

fail if no coordinate format is specified

defaultCoordFormat PTV_MERCATOR default coordinate format if none is specified
failOnIllegalProfile false fail if a non-existing profile is requested
backendPingInterval 5000 the time in milliseconds between two pings from the server to a module process
maxTimeWithoutPing 30000 the maximum number of milliseconds, a module process may live without a ping from the server
coldStartGracePeriod 60000 Time to wait after cold start before the pinging mechanism is established. Set this to a higher value to avoid issues with slow database initialisations or other I/O dependencies.
httpCheckInitialDelay 30000 the initial delay before subsequently checking whether the http-port is accessible
httpCheckInterval 10000 the interval between two http-port checks
alivePort -1 the port to open a server socket after successful initialisation of the module. A value of -1 indicates that no alive port should be used
addHostInfoToResponse true determines if host information should be added to the response headers. If this option is set, the response will contain headers identifying the server host. This identification includes the name and the enumeration of all non-loopback adapters using their according IP addresses.
logRequests fatal determines whether requests should be logged. If this option is set, incoming responses will be written to the log file. This option is useful for debugging or recording issues. Can be one of true, false, exceptional, or fatal.
logResponses false determines whether responses should be logged. Can be one of true, false or exceptional.
clusterId unknown-cluster logical name of a cluster to be integrated into request log strings
snippetLoader.allowedPrefix /profiles/

If the value of the CallerContext property "ProfileXMLSnippet" starts with "/", it is interpreted as a relative URI with respect to the base URI. In this case the snippet is downloaded via HTTP and its content is used like a normal XML snippet. The base URI is determined from the first incoming request or can be set in the Wrapper Configuration.

The property snippetLoader.allowedPrefix restricts the allowed URIs to the given prefix and must begin with a '/' character.

snippetLoader.cacheSize 50 Cache size of the snippet download cache. The cache is a simple LRU cache. Entries have an unlimited lifetime. If the value is <= 0, the cache is disabled.
killDelayAfterCancelRequestedByUser 5000 delay in ms after which request will be killed, if a module instance does not react to cancel request by user
killDelayAfterCancelRequestedByTimeout 5000 delay in ms after which request will be killed, if a module instance does not react to cancel request caused by a runtime timeout
jobResultRetentionTime 604800000 Time to live for unfetched persistent job results before the system may delete entries from the persistent store. Values are given in ms. Default is one week.
fetchedJobResultRetentionTime 3600000 Time to live for fetched persistent job results before the system may delete entries from the persistent store. Values are given in ms. Default is 1 hour.
zombieJobRetentionTime 86400000 Time to live for zombies of jobs before the system may delete entries from the persistent store. Values are given in ms. Default is one day.
statisticsLogPeriod 300 Specifies how often the server should write statistic information to the server's log file (in seconds). The default is 300 seconds (= 5 minutes). The statistic log contains information about memory, successful and failed requests, uptime and module restarts.
responseGeometrySignificantFigures 11 The number of significant figures for response geometries. The default is 11, which ensures adequate accuracy for earth coordinates. Reasonable values last from 17 to 8.
adminAccessWhitelist, ::/0 Specifies a list of IPs / IP ranges which may access the PTV xServer as an administrator. Default allows any IP. Recommendation is to restrict this to your local network. For example adminAccessWhitelist=, ::1,,, fc00::/7
proxy - Specifies the IP of a proxy which is automatically excluded from the adminAccessWhitelist. This is recommended as they potentially hide Internet addresses with a site local address. By default the proxy is not set.
proxyControlsWebAdminAccess false If set to true requests coming from the proxy are checked for the string webadmin as part of the features http header. This allows user authorisation by a middleware proxy.