Administrator's Guide > Administration > Management Console

PTV xServer Management Console

The PTV xServer Management Console provides a set of information and tools to administer and test your PTV xServer easily.

PTV xServer Information and Management Tools

Some of these tools are only visible if the client's IP has administrator privileges. This is controlled by the server setting adminAccessWhitelist.

By default all IPs have admin privileges, but it is recommended to restrict this to your local network. Also note that the setting proxy allows to exclude a proxy from the whitelist. Especially for cloud scenarios, you can allow proxyControlsWebAdminAccess such that the admin privileges are defined by adding the keyword webadmin to the Features http header.



The manual contains information for purchasers, administrators and developers. It focuses on the aspects common to all members of the PTV xServer family. The new structure includes the use cases, third-party licences and the API documentation.
Status Monitor
Shows information about your PTV xServer activity e.g. belonging to the memory and CPU usage, the amount requests or the mean time of responses. Only available with administrator privileges.
Raw Request Runner
Provides a set of samples to illustrate exemplarily requests by selecting JSON or SOAP. The result can also be used for test purposes (valid request was sent or not).

Code Sample Browser

Tests the functionality of the PTV xServer. Enter a term in the search box, or run a sample right away. Brief explanatory texts at the bottom of the screen describe the content and the mode of operation of the sample in question.
Log Files
Lists the PTV xServer log files. You can get access to a log entry statistic clicking on a log file, as well as to the detailed logging information also including a search function and request timestamps. Only available with administrator privileges.
Displays all configuration files belonging to the server's settings or the server modules' settings either as formatted or raw file. Only available with administrator privileges.
Shutdown / Restart

As its title suggests, here you can restart or shutdown your PTV xServer. Only available with administrator privileges.

Version Information
These information would be important for our support team, if you had any questions or problems with your PTV xServer. They could help the support and fasten the response time, especially in the case of an individual PTV xServer setup. Only available with administrator privileges.

PTV xServer Depending Information



WSDL Files

Contains the web service interface you need to create your own client. Please note, the WSDL bindings requires SOAP 1.2 or higher.

Hint: Of course PTV provides client bundles for Java and C# you are free to use, too.

Samples Code
If you have accessed this page through the PTV xServer management console, you can immediately view and execute the Jsp code samples, just click the links below. In order to install the C# samples which are not displayed here by default, refer to the C# installation section.