Use Cases > PTV xLocate > How to Search for Combined Transport Stations

How to Search for Combined Transport Stations

With PTV xLocate Server, it is possible to search for ferries or piggybacks in the context of combined transport. Reverse geocoding returns combined transports at a specified coordinate (radius search or nearest search). Combined transports are also searchable by name and the name of the start or destination location. This feature is only available with a map containing combined transport data.

How to Search Combined Transports Around a Location


The findCombinedTransportByLocation method searches ferries and piggy back stations located next to a given coordinate. The method works similar to the findLocation() method but returns ResultCombinedTransport objects instead of ResultAddress objects.


This feature is only available for maps 1/2012 or newer.


How to Search Combined Transports by Description


Combined transports are also searchable by its name and the name of the start or destination location by findObjectsByText(). Note that despite of the handling of addresses a given country will be ignored.


This feature is only available for maps 1/2012 or newer.
