Use Cases > PTV xLocate > How to Search Addresses by Locations

How to Search Addresses by Locations

Reverse Geocoding is used to find addresses around a given location which is defined by coordinates (different coordinate formats are defined and integrated like PTV_MERCATOR or OG_DECIMAL, see technical documentation). Please note that the method findLocations() will be used for batch processes and needs a special license agreement.

The input is Latitude: 49.62699 and Longitude: 6.14057.

The result is two candidates with detailed level description HNRINTERPOLATED.

L Luxemburg 1858 Luxemburg Weimerskirch Rue de Kirchberg 63
L Luxemburg 1858 Luxemburg Weimerskirch Rue de Kirchberg 100

Search for nearest addresses

Supply a radius in order to execute an approximate search around a selected location. Two detail levels can be selected:

  1. street level or

  2. city level.

Example 1: detail level on street

The input is coordinates of selected location, engine tolerance = 100, engine target size = 250, engine search range = 1000 m, engine filter mode = remove streets without names and duplicate streets.

The result is a list of candidates within a range of 1000 meters.

Example 2: detail level on city

The input is coordinates of selected location, engine tolerance = 100, engine target size = 250, engine search range = 25000 m.

The result is a list of candidates within a range of 25000 meters.

Search for the nearest big city

Reverse geocoding is able to return the town with a defined population or size closest to a position. The town‘s population can be set manually. In sparsely populated areas, this ensures an orientation according to major or known towns.