Use Cases > PTV xLocate > How to Search an Address

How to Search an Address

Multi Field Search via findAddress()

Searching an address with multiple fields is the usual way. PTV xLocate Server provides seven single fields to enter the address: country, state, postcode, city, city2 (district), street and house number. City/city2 and street/house number can be contained in one field.

Single Field Search via findAddressByText()

Single field search is used to supply the complete address in one field. Use the method findAddressByText() in order to execute single field search.

Example 1: Single Field Search without Delimiter

The input is Avenue du Bois 5 Limpertsberg Luxemburg.

The result is one candidate with exact classification:

L Luxemburg 1251 Luxemburg Limpertsberg Avenue du Bois 5

Example 2: Single Field Search with Delimiter

The input is Avenue du Bois 5; Limpertsberg; Luxemburg.

The result is one candidate with exact classification.

L Luxemburg 1251 Luxemburg Limpertsberg Avenue du Bois 5

Address String Matching Techniques

The address geocoding matches a given user input to an address database using several techniques of string matching:

Binary Search

The input Clausen leads to an exact match.

Phonetic Search

The input Pfaphenthal leads to the candidate Pfaffenthal.

Fuzzy Search

The input Limbertsperg leads to the candidate Limpertsberg, which was corrected internally.

Maximise the Results – Conflict Handling of Typical Street, City, Postcode Matching Problems

Optimise the candidate results by using some of the many detailed options which allow influencing the behaviour of PTV xLocate Server. Following two helpful functions matching the input address to the map provider data are described below.

Maximise the Results – Country Code for insular regions

Please make sure to use the country code for France ("F") when searching for addresses in insular regions of France. The following tables shows the regarding insular regions/departments:

House Number Interpolation

PTV xLocate Server is able to interpolate the position of house numbers, if the map data contains a house number range for the corresponding street segment. The interpolation can be turned off. In this case, the coordinate of the street segment is returned.

Address Classification

The PTV xLocate Server classifies the output in relation to the input in different kinds of categories. Address classification descriptions are created for the following fields:

The input is <D>;<Karlsruhe>;<Haupt>

The result is:

Address classification: 6 (partially exact)

Town classification: partially exact (Karlsruhe or Karlsruhe Neureut)

Postcode classification: no input (76131, 76139 or 76149)

Street classification: no input (Hauptstraße, Neureuter Hauptstraße or Rintheimer Hauptstraße)

Housenumber classification: no input (range of house number)

Total Score

Furthermore, PTV xLocate Server is able to calculate a total score indicating the overall quality of the address candidate.

The parameter Score.TotalScore is calculated using result fields Town.Classification, PostalCode.Classification and Street.Classification. Each classification is mapped to a value. The sum of these values is divided by the maximum reachable value for this result address. It is displayed as a percentage. Due to this change, the sorting order of some results may be different.

Using the total score, PTV xLocate Server is able to create a candidate list for the search address. HouseNr.Classification and Street.Classification are taken into account for the results ordering.