Use Cases > PTV xLocate > Additional Use Cases

Additional Use Cases

Searching an Address


The address geocoding matches a given user input to an address database using several techniques of string matching:

The searching process works step by step. That means if there are no binary matches the xLocate will try to find a match by searching phonetically.


Classifying an Address


The aim of the classification is to verify a given address regarding plausibility. This is useful e.g. for a webshop which likes to verify a given address of a new customer. The xLocate provides additional information about how specific parts of an address are matched. This way you may determine which address parts were not matched exactly and what types of error occurred.


Former xLocate versions (until 1.14.1) delivered two validation profiles for different security levels: High and Medium. With the introduction of field classification these profiles were superfluous and will not work anymore. We recommend to substitute these old profiles with the following minimum classifications:

  Postcode Town Street
High Partially Exact Exact Exact Exact Partially Exact Exact Exact Exact Partially Exact
Medium Exact Partially Exact Partially Exact Exact High High
Low High High High

This means, if all parts of the classification (postcode, town, street) are Exact, or at most one is Partially Exact, the input address can be validated as High. If this is not the case, because the street classification is only High, the input address can be validated as Medium. If this is not the case, but no classification is below High, the input address can be validated as Low. If one classification is below High, the input address cannot be validated.

Searching an Address by Text


The address geocoding matches a given user input as one single text field to an address. For this the method findAddressByText can be used. Define the parameter country and address.


This feature is only available for maps 1/2010 or newer.


How to Search an Address by Text with a Separator


The address geocoding matches a given user input as one single text field to an address. For this the method findAddressByText can be used. Define the parameter country and address.


This feature is only available for maps 1/2010 or newer.


How to Search Addresses Interactively with Address Suggestion


When geocoding an address interactively you may want to guide your user to the right address and suggest him the most probable city or street names while typing. Unfortunately geocoding after every keystroke just does not meet the performance requirement. Therefore the xLocate has a lightweight high performance suggestion function.


This feature is only available for maps 1/2010 or newer.


How to Search Combined Transports Around a Location


The findCombinedTransportByLocation method searches ferries and piggy back stations located next to a given coordinate. The method works similar to the findLocation() method but returns ResultCombinedTransport objects instead of ResultAddress objects.


This feature is only available for maps 1/2012 or newer.


How to Search Combined Transports by Description


Combined transports are also searchable by its name and the name of the start or destination location by findObjectsByText(). Note that despite of the handling of addresses a given country will be ignored.


This feature is only available for maps 1/2012 or newer.


How to Search a Point of Interest


Point of Interest data is available for most of the PTV standard maps. It is searchable by its address, type, name and radius.


How to Use Custom Geographic Data Stored in a Database

Besides points of interest data you can also search for additional custom geographic data by defining your own Geodatasource and applying it to a PoiAddress or PoiLocation object. More information on the configuration of GeoDatasource and filtering can be found here.

For a search request on custom geographic data you need a GeoDatasource configuration name, the layer name and the profile name. These information have to be set in the request using the geodatasourceLayer attribute of PoiAddress or PoiLocation. It has to be formatted as follows:

<configuration>.<layername>[.<profile][;<SQL Filter>]

How to Define a GeoDatasource Via Request

Please see the following documents for more information.

  1. The general mechanism of applying XML profiles.
  2. All supported elements of the xLocate profile.
  3. The XML schema.

How to Watch the Progress of Jobs

Please find more general information on jobs (Asynchronous Protocol).

The service methods findAddresses, findLocations, findPoiByAddresses, and findPoiByLocations have corresponding start-methods startFindAddresses, startFindLocations, startFindPoiByAddresses, and startFindPoiByLocations to start the calculation as a job. The corresponding fetch-methods are fetchAddressResponses and fetchPoiAddressResponses.

During the calculation the current calculation progress can be watched using watchJob. This method returns an instance of BulkProgress which contains information on how many geocodings have already been calculated and how many are remaining.

When stopping the currently running job using stop_Job the results already calculated at that point of time will be returned by the fetch-method. Geocodings not yet executed will be denoted by error code STOPPED_REQUEST.