Use Cases > PTV xDima > How to Use the RoadEditor

How to Use the RoadEditor

The RoadEdior data consists of a variety of attributes which describe the properties of a road segment or a ferry. There are RoadEdior layers with data provided by PTV, but it is also possible to create your own RoadEdior layer. Please note that the RoadEdior data must match the map data exactly and cannot be used with a different map. Even a map update will invalidate the RoadEdior data.

Example for RoadEdior attributes in Luxemburg

In order to consider the RoadEdior attributes, you have to set up the following configuration:

Truck Attributes

Truck attributes (truck-specific driving restrictions) are special data content which can be added to the PTV maps. These attributes concern the dimension, the weight or the type of the vehicle. For example, this could be important for the clearance height of tunnels or the weight restriction of bridges. As these attributes are considered in the routing, you gain more accuracy and a better planning basis. PTV provides these truck-specific driving restrictions on demand, as they have to be additionally licensed.

The PTV xDima Server integrates truck attributes as an additional layer and can take them into account for the calculation of distance matrices using the routing-based or reference-based method.

Individual RoadEditor Layers

Additionally, in PTV Map&Guide desktop, you have the possibility of modifying the attributes of street segments. For example, street segments could be blocked or unblocked for a vehicle. This data can then be exported to a binary layer usable by other PTV xServer. By doing so, you integrate your know-how into the map and again gain more accuracy. Please note that it is not possible to add or delete street segments.

The PTV xDima Server can only address one RoadEditor layer per request. If the RoadEditor layer is used together with a truck attributes layer, it is necessary to combine the two layers into a single layer first.