Use Cases > PTV xDima > How to Handle an Asynchronous Process

How to Handle an Asynchronous Process

Some PTV xServer requests require a long computing time due to their complexity. The new asynchronous protocol for potentially long-running requests no longer requires a permanent connection to the PTV xServer. Instead, clients call up the result as soon as the process is complete.

To handle the asynchronous requests, called jobs in the API, a similar general service structure for each PTV xServer is available. Adding the prefix start to a method calls the same method in its asynchronous version. As a result, a Job object is returned which identifies the started calculation. It is possible to get status updates on a running job using the method watchJob. If it turns to SUCCEEDED, the calculation was successful and the result can be obtained using the corresponding fetch method. Furthermore, it is possible to stop or delete a started job. Deleting means that the process will be stopped at the next time possible, the results calculated within this time can be fetched.

For PTV xDima Server, this method can be requested asynchronously: