Use Cases > Cluster Planning > How to choose between solvers

How to choose between solvers

With PTV xTerritory Server you have to possibility to choose between a commercial and a free solver. This use case will outline the differences and capabilities of the available solvers and gives you all the information you need to choose the right solver for your problem.

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Solver is a collective term for special mathematical computer programs that can solve mathematical problems numerically. Input for a solver is a problem descriptions in a generic form and output is a calculated solution.

solution quality

Variable SolutionQuality (BASIC or HIGH) leads to variations in the quality of the results and the running time. Both methods are mathematically exact methods. That means that a valid solution exists, as soon as the permissible deviation is within a tolerance of the optimum.


Addresses of which the position cannot be altered (e.g. customers, drop of point of an order) or reference points of administrative territorial units (e.g. postcode areas).


Planning result or input. Allocation of the locations to a common unit (e.g. operational area).Territories without a fixed territory center can also be called 'clusters'.


Using this use case you will ...


To use the commercial Gurobi solver in the PTV xTerritory Server, you will require a valid license for the Gurobi solver. This must be obtained independently from the PTV xTerritory server and configured like described in the use case How to configure the territory algorithm profile and solver.

If multiple PTV xTerritory server instances are configured, a Gurobi license will be required for each individual instance.


CBC - Free solver

The COIN-OR Branch and Cut solver(CBC) is an open-source mixed integer program (MIP) solver. CBC is an active open-source project led by John Forrest at

Gurobi Optimiser - Commercial solver

The Gurobi Optimiser is a state-of-the-art solver for mathematical programming. The solvers in the Gurobi Optimiser were designed from the ground up to exploit modern architectures using the most advanced implementations of the latest algorithms.

Choosing the Solver

Both solvers using exact methods to solve the mathematically problem. Therefor it is expected that the solution quality for the purposes of compactness measure and imbalance is very similar in both solvers. . Whether a solution is "more beautiful" than the other, is as always in the eye of the beholder. But there is no tendency for one or another solver expected. Both solvers can handle a large amount of locations and territories, we tested them with up to 70000 locations and 180 territories.


In principle the running time and memory consumption counts for the selection of the solver.

Running time

Relevant for the estimation of the term is primarily the number locations and the number of territories which plays a not insignificant role.

The following rules gives you an impression of the estimated running time:

Equal number of locations but different number of territories:

Equal number of territories but different number of locations:

Locations with same or different activities:

Different tolerance of imbalance:

Here are some benchmark figures for CBC solver. The test sets were executed on a Azure-VM with Windows Server 2012, 8 cores and 56 GB RAM.

The following parameter settings apply:

For even larger problems (eg. 70000 locations and 184 territories) is a running time less than one day only possible at the expense of sacrificing quality (fewer iterations and multiple starts). With Gurobi solver the performance is increased by a factor of 3-6.

Memory consumption

You can calculate the estimated memory consumption with the following formula:

Dima memory consumption:

Solver memory consumption:
