Use Cases > Cluster Planning > How to change territories

How to change territories

If you already have conducted a territory planning, you can change it by altering the number of territories while using all or some of your previous territory centres. Different territories with new location assignments are created. This use case complements the use cases

  • How to plan territories
  • How to distribute locations
  • Benefits

    With the PTV xTerritory server's changeTerritories feature you can


    Check if the following prerequisites are fulfilled before you start with the use case.


    This use case describes the extension of existing territories by adding new ones. Territory centres can be marked as candidates for the planning and additional locations can be provided. All territory centres that are not explicitly marked as candidates will be kept in the result.

    Configuration Guide

    Aside from the digital map of the area in which the locations are sited, a license is required for the changeTerritories method and for the desired number of territories and locations.

    If high-performance routing networks are to be used, a license must also be obtained for these. Furthermore, the path to the Routing Network folder must be placed accordingly in conf/

    Programming Guide

    To carry out a territory change, the following are required:

    A complete description of these parameters can be found in the use cases

  • How to plan territories
  • How to distribute locations

  • Basically when changing territories, it is allowed to set territory candidates that are then subject to change. However, it is not allowed to reference these candidate territories by limits via their territoryAssignment property since candidate territories could be vanished after the changeTerritories() method has been requested. This would leave still assigning limits unassigned if they referenced such "disposable territories" (candidates) before the changeTerritories() method was requested. It is only allowed that limits carry territory assignments to fixed territories or even carry an empty territory assignment.


    Objects in the response
      "territories": [
          "id": "sampleTerritory1",
          "referencePoint": {
            "$type": "Point",
            "point": {
              "$type": "PlainPoint",
              "x": 676745.32404,
              "y": 6381546.2771
          "summary": {
            "totalActivity": 1,
            "numberOfLocations": 1
          "locationIds": [
          "id": "sampleTerritory2",
          "referencePoint": {
            "$type": "Point",
            "point": {
              "$type": "PlainPoint",
              "x": 676249.94111,
              "y": 6381248.0855
          "summary": {
            "totalActivity": 1,
            "numberOfLocations": 1
          "locationIds": [
          "id": "1",
          "referencePoint": {
            "$type": "Point",
            "point": {
              "$type": "PlainPoint",
              "x": 675499.6524,
              "y": 6380497.7968
          "summary": {
            "totalActivity": 1,
            "numberOfLocations": 1
          "locationIds": [
          "id": "2",
          "referencePoint": {
            "$type": "Point",
            "point": {
              "$type": "PlainPoint",
              "x": 674999.45993,
              "y": 6379997.6043
          "summary": {
            "totalActivity": 1,
            "numberOfLocations": 1
          "locationIds": [